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Wheee! 20% Discount!


We used my 20% Discount on one item at Wal-Mart. So, my family finally got an HDTV, it has yet to be installed. Putting it up will happen tomorrow or Tuesday. It is a 32" Samsung LCD HDTV. That is the big news.


I finished the Christmas shopping for my mom today, she will love her gift. I won't say what it is cuz she may or may not read my blog. I also picked up My French Coach for the DS, I'll be getting that one on Christmas, but it'll be fun to learn another language... all we need is a My Japanese Coach and I'll be set...


Also. BLEACH Season 1 boxset is mine! For those of you who don't know season one is known as The Substitute. I may have to get that one early. :P




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It is a 32" Samsung LCD HDTV


*Is instantly jealous*


Let me know how effective that French Coach is. Learning some french huh? Gonna go out and woo the ladies with a slick new accent?

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It is a 32" Samsung LCD HDTV


*Is instantly jealous*


Let me know how effective that French Coach is. Learning some french huh? Gonna go out and woo the ladies with a slick new accent?

I'll add more specs in a future entry. I find it difficult to learn a language which has a boring history, so I want to learn languages which are more interesting to me. The ladies are always a priority. ;)



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