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Employment Ahoy



Today was my first day actually working (and getting paid) at a fast-food restaraunt. :fonz:


I got assigned to the register for my shift, but I ended up doing multiple things the whole 5 hours - mainly fries and bagging. I had a friend assigned to drive-thru, so that made things fun. My shift manager says I also make a mean cup of coffee. :P


I didn't kill anyone or blow anything up, so that's also a good mood-lifter.


It was all awesome and confusing and insane at the same time, and today wasn't even a long shift!


Whoo! 8D *brain explodes*


My mom's betting that my outlook will be in a different direction after three weeks. Haha... :lookaround:




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Mine didn't change until nine months later after getting a Friday off and realizing how much free time I could have.


But then I was like "Bah screw it. I like my moneys."

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I would so visit you at work, but unfortunately, fast food gives me migranes. I dunno if it's some strange allergy or what, but I can't even enter a fast food place.


But congrats on the new job! ^^

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Fast food < Real food


Just FYI. :P


Everyone knows that. Silly Gravi. :P


I would so visit you at work, but unfortunately, fast food gives me migranes. I dunno if it's some strange allergy or what, but I can't even enter a fast food place.


Aw, yeah, one of my friends is like that.


I've sort of developed a tolerance to fast food - my family is one of those that lives in the car half our lives, so fast food is usually the only option for lunch or dinner.


I've given up on hamburgers. XD I'll usually vote to go to Wendy's so I can get one of their Frescata sandwiches and not be drowning in grease. @_@



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I've given up on hamburgers. XD I'll usually vote to go to Wendy's so I can get one of their Frescata sandwiches and not be drowning in grease. @_@



Eeeeeh, I prefer to not eat at Wendy's, because the last few times we've gone there it made us sick. XP

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As for me, I am applying for a job at Burger King... Which makes us... enemies, :o




"Enemies" sounds so harsh....


Let's say business rivals. It's less demeaning, yet still correct. :P


I've given up on hamburgers. XD I'll usually vote to go to Wendy's so I can get one of their Frescata sandwiches and not be drowning in grease. @_@



Eeeeeh, I prefer to not eat at Wendy's, because the last few times we've gone there it made us sick. XP


We usually have no choice, considering this state is the headquarters for Wendy's.


They're everywhere, man. e____e



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*starts playing "Rock 'n' Roll McDonalds" and the Supersize Me theme song at max volume.*




Speaking of jobs, does anyone here work at Starbucks?



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