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Deadly Soda...?



As you should all know, I drink Diet Pepsi. I love it. LOVE IT.


But is it healthy?


Health concernsMain article: Aspartame controversyDiet Pepsi contains the artificial sweetener aspartame, which has been linked to cancer[1] in laboratory rats. Aspartame has also been shown to cause brain tumors, brain lesions, and lymphoma[2]. One of the chemicals produced by aspartame after ingestion is methanol, which is also found in antifreeze[3][4].


List of Diet Sodas with aspartame:



That seems to be the my problem.


And orginal Pepsi gives me weight I can't afford to have (Wrestling Coch says to stay with at least 5 pounds at most away from Weight Class, I measured 220 today. Before 215) so what CAN I HAVE?!


Please comment! Not trying to get comments for the heck of it, I MEAN it!






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Try "Hansen's" soda. Their sodas are all natural.


Or sometimes you can make your own soda by taking carbonated water as said above, but some places you can find flavors such as root beer flavoring to put in it and you can sweeten it your own way.



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I drink V8 splash/fusion as a beverage. It doesn't exactly taste like soda, but it has sugar in it. And it doesn't have aspartame, or really anything bad in it, for that manner. Just make sure you don't get the 'diet' variety; the thing stating it's diet is rather difficult to spot. And make sure not confuse it with regular V8 either...






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Aspartame is only shown to have ill effects in completly unrealistic quantities.

You would have to be able to drink faster than humanly possible to build up that much aspartame for it to have any ill effects.



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I know what you can drink, if you were willing to pay shipping. I'm sure my dad could come up with a formula to make a low sugar content in a coke flavored product. But you might have to switch to a store brand. They usually use less sugar.



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