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New Serials



Hey guys,


So we have started talking about new serials for next year, as the OOMN goes to war with the Brotherhood. Binkmeister and I are still firming up what they will be, but it looks like one first half of the year one is going to feature a very unusual team on a mission against the BOM. Who are they? Try:


Brutaka (team leader)



Makuta Spiriah




I can't WAIT to start writing this one :)


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Hehehehe.... This is the greatest team EVER!! Ah man, I can't wait to see all these colorful characters come together! Hoo, Vezon and Roodaka together would alone be freaking great.


Can't wait, Greg!

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Woah man, the Order has gone nuts! Choosing Vezon isn't quite a good choice, since he's insane, maybe even more insane than Karzahni!

Just kidding. Greg's explanation seems logical enough. Can't wait for 2008!

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You're kidding! Spiriah is going to be on the team?

Awesome, I was so excited when I read this. :)

Makes sense to have Takadox and Carapar, Carapar the powerhouse does what he's told by Takadox. Hope they bring breathing apparatuses!

Very, very cool.

Thanks Greg!


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Wow! This is a total dream team! I just can't wait!

These are like, all my favorite villains (I don't know much about Spiriah yet, but he sounds cool).


One question: Does the team have a name?

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This. Is. Awesome. This is the most awesomest team ever. I mean, it's got VEZON! Who doesn't like Vezon?


Greg, 2008 sounds like the best year storywise. Now we will have to see about the sets....


- :D TNTOS :D -

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Greg, that's the most awsome team ever! :D That's like all the renegades we've seen! (It's also worth noting that all these guys and gals had crossed the BOM in someway. Was that intentional? :sly: ) 2008's geting better by the second!



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Brutaka (team leader)



No offence, but I'm kinda tired of her.


Yessssss, I love that guy.

Makuta Spiriah

Hmm, interesting...

Carapar, Takadox

Dunno what to think yet, that's kinda strange.

I can't wait for the serials Greg :)

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Now please tell me that this is a joke... :P


No, seriously, that's a strange but good team. I hope you put some jokes in the serial. BTW, is this the only Serial in January, or there will be something else?

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I can't WAIT to start writing this one :)
And I CAN'T WAIT to read this one. :D Roodaka, Vezon and Takadox...three of my favourite villains grouped together....



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Brutaka is team leader because he was an OOMN member, and as gets revealed in 2008, is back working with them again.

Oh, so it gets revealed in 2008, yet you say that now? Heh heh heh... Oh how early revelations can be fun :lol:


Anyway, great team! Can't wait to see what Spiriah looks like, and to read what he's like in the serial. Strange team to pick... But very good! Brutaka's just about abck to being good(And as Greg early revealed he's back with OOMN :P), Roodaka's probably having the Hagah's spears poking her in the back to join the team, Spiriah is understandable, Takadox probabl just wants to get away from the Barraki, and hypnotised Carapar to help him, But Vezon is the only one I don't get. Ah well. Can't wait to read this!

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:pirate: I wonder how most of the villains on the team are water breathers, how it will work with Roodaka and Vezon... and Spiriah... :wub: I love roodaka :wub: If they sent that sweet, evil, murderous, vile, and black-hearted Vortixx to the Pit, I'm gonna be :burnmad: ! Now why Caraper would want to work with Takadox, ... Well, sounds like a good, swashbuckling time! Now all Bionicle needs is cursed Aztec gold, a atoran word for pirate, and a squid who's name seems to have a kanohi who's name is a play-on of its name; (Kraken= Kraakan) LOL! :pirate:


Most Sincerely,

-Captain raven575

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greg, you are one sly dude! So you are just writing Vezon in because he is fun to write? That's pretty awesome! Good thing you never wrote too much bout this guy in the past, which is making him so expandable. And as for Roodaka joining the team, does this mean that we will find out what happened to the Toa Hagah? (If you have notthought about this, you may want to slip in a scentence or two bout them. Brutaka- ah, this guy is pretty cool. Will he be wearing something similar to idris's breathing thing? And as for Spirah, this year is going to be great for the Makuta species. Now we will know about 10 makuta, maybe? Winter 3, summer 3, Winter titan 2, MOMN, Spirah, and possibly a summer makuta? Way cool. And greg, how many serials are we doing next year? 6?But to heck with it, Greg, you are pretty cool, along with being a brilliant author!

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I thought Roodaka was dead? Ah, Whatever...


Do you guys think they will be in the new 09 Movie?




Roodaka didn't die at the end of WOS, Makuta just teleported her back to Xia, her home island. And it is very doubtful these six will make it if the movie 'cause most of their sets are one or two years old and Greg said they focus the story year on the current sets(Though they do put in older characters in the web serials and books, but those are the exceptions). But you never know.



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Oooh, nice!!


Is this the only one on the website in January?

I'm lookin forward to seeing how those two Barraki got away, and if those Hagah had something to do with Roodaka...



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Wow Greg. Never saw that coming! You said the Barraki would appear in next years serials (Albiet, there are two of them) but I never thought like this! Why would the OoMN hire two traitors of Mata Nui? I'm guessing the two agreed to be a part of the team because they want to leave the Pit. Not to mention the Barraki hate the brotherhood. 2008 is going to be fun. :)

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