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Bitter(sweet?) Changes

Angel Beat


It appears BoA is going to end her singing career (temporarily?) to study in the United States. Ever since the release of her Best Of album (Best of Soul in 2005), she hasn't been enjoying working as a singer anymore.


In a recent interview with the Japanese press, she made confessions that no fan of hers or the press expected to hear: that she "no longer" enjoys working, and that she plans to take a break from her usual routine and pursue her study in America.


She told interviewers that she was feeling "exhausted", which is hardly surprising, considering her incredibly busy schedules in the past seven years, going back and forth between Korea and Japan. However, her emotional problem apparently goes far deeper than that; she confessed that she felt as if "her identity as a human has been lost".


BoA said this is not a recent development. She felt that she had "lost direction" of her life ever since releasing Best of Soul, her best-of compilation that has sold more than a million copies in Japan. Since then she never really had time to reflect on her life and her goals.


Her plan to overcome this slump is to realize her teenage dream, which is to go to a university in America and pursue the studies that she has always wanted to do. She said that she was "certain" that in four years' time she'd be attending a university in the U.S., improving her English and dance skills.


We wish the best for BoA and whatever lies ahead in her career.


Yeah, I'm quite sad about her decision, but I completely understand what she's going through and she has my full support. She'll always have my full support. And of course I won't love her less. =_,=

In recent performances and the SMTown music video "Only Love", if you look very carefully, you can see that BoA isn't really happy anymore.


Poor sweetheart.. *sigh* I hope she'll be happy again..


BoA also has a new Japanese album coming up which will have three(!!) versions. CD only, CD with DVD, CD with 2 DVDs.


Wish I had the money, because on the same day, she'll also release a new single called Be With You.


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I will always love and support you, my angel...~


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