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ToM Dracone


Just a few art-things I've done in the past week, some of which are relevant to this blog in particular...


First, Avo-Matoran using my ideas for them, since I would still absolutely adore designs like those. :D Pardon the lack of tools for most of them... And yes, these make use of sprites that will appear when I repost the ToM kit. (Like the masks they're wearing, all of which are either new or have been redrawn from the original sprites.)




Second, doodles of the Volitak and Araho (if anyone remembers that) from a couple days ago...




And third, the lineart for page one of The Spirit Falls, which starts right before the end of Comic 10. I have no idea if it will make any sense without text (since it's really the introductory page), but chances are you can tell at least some of what's going on. :P Some of what's here is still in pencil, just for CG-ing reference.




*decks the halls*

~ ToM


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It's a 2001-ized name for the *shudders* Arthron.




I see. I quite like it :happy:

Very very nice comic, as well.

I'm quite fond of the mask doodles as well.

Will you never cease to amaze me?

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The matoran color seems to work alot better here... I was thinking about how you and others were sayig how coming out with all white and gold matoran wouldn't sell well, but if you think about it, they could have used the gold from Brutaka, Takanuva, and the original mata gold masks... that would be interesting. :)


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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


Ooh, I love how Jaller is re-seeing himself dead in Takanuva's arms. That's great.
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The matoran color seems to work alot better here... I was thinking about how you and others were sayig how coming out with all white and gold matoran wouldn't sell well, but if you think about it, they could have used the gold from Brutaka, Takanuva, and the original mata gold masks... that would be interesting. :)


First of all, I believe the Brutaka gold is the only one you listed that has not been discontinued. There is a new metallic gold that matches the old gold better, but if I'm correct this one is painted and thus not suited to normal BIONICLE part molds. Of course, I may be wrong...


Anyway, the idea still holds true. White and gold Matoran would be harder to collect (since a kid might not remember the names of the ones he has gotten), they might not sell to people who prefer other colors... countless reasons exist for why they can't all be white and gold. White as the secondary/neutral color works for some, but it makes the white one with gold armor look far too special in comparison (at least for my tastes), and it keeps the Matoran from matching their Toa counterparts. No matter how awesome it sounds, I don't expect that these Matoran would have pleased me had they been made to match the "normal" Av-Matoran scheme.


Though perhaps we might get a white and gold Av-Matoran after all, depending on whether the design of the new Takanuva allows for a rider... ;)

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Seeing it in sprite form, I think I actually prefer the Matoran the way they are now. The Shadow Matoran's masks are fine the way they are, and I think Photok and Tanma look very weird with those colors.


Plus, I don't like the name Avo-Matoran, never have. Even when we didn't know the name, I always called them Matoran of Light. Av sounds cooler, I think. *shrugs*


The masks look great. But Araho? Sounds... very odd. It sounds too much like a Native American tribe. Definitely doesn't match the mask. Arthron is also good the way it is.


The comic page is great. I can't wait until there are words, the Takanuva in Jaller's eye is so faint I didn't see it the first time, but it's a really nice touch.

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The page looks gooooood! Nice inking, love the detail on Jaller's mask in the last panel.


Nice sprites, but I'd increase the contrast on the darker colors. And nice masks, too. I'm not that great at masks :P

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