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Yeah, I have two questions, actually;


Could someone, theoretically, bribe a Dalek with, say, potato chips?


And, if there were two trains headed towards each other, one in New York City moving twelve miles per hour, and the other in Denver, Texas (Don't ask) moving negative 3 miles per hour, when and where will they meet?

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At last, I can finally ask a Dalek questions without risking my life! (Hopefully...)


1. Which do you think is cuter, a box of kittens or a snake named Fluffy?


2. What is your favorite emoticon?


3. Do the Daleks you know say anything besides "Exterminate!" and "Daleks, conquer and destroy!"?


4. Do you believe in Santa Claus?




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1.) A box of kittens.


2.) B)


3.) Only one, and that's my clone, he says "I like pie. It is good."


4.) Nope, if he did exist, he doesn't now, because at the speeds he would need to reach every house in the world, he and his reindeer would combust and disintegrate. Besides, who wants to believe in someone who drives gender confused reindeer? :???:

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How does one kill a Dalek?


Have the Graske "Grasked" Any daleks?


What the heck is a scipio?


Will pigs fly in my lifetime?



...Wuz Here

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Dalek, would you mind if I shot you with an AK?

Dalek, are you finishing my request?

Dalek, If you were a piece of Lego, what would you do?

Dalek, who would win in a fight between a grilled cheese sandwich and a taco?


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