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I'll be busy the rest of this week as my Dad will be getting married on Friday. :happy: Unfourtuneatly, he says I ahve to write a speech by tomorrow and help him out with some stuff *shudder*.


In other news, I recentley got my 6000th post, the goal I set myself at the start of the year. :happy:


Also, I'm looking for an assistant host for my Relate It To BIONICLE, my game in G&T. If you are interested, let me know. :) All you will need to do is whatch over the topic when I'm not able to and make sure everyone is following the rules and if you feel it is needed, impliment a new rule (you'd have to PM first of course though. :P)


I hope not be too bored over the next week, at least it's better than SOSE in school :lol:


See ya! :spinsmile:


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I believe I would be able to undertake the role of assistant host, seeing as I'm able to get online fairly often, and I don't have too many obligations that keep me busy when I'm online. :)

Just to letting you know, I'm sure there are better people out there, but if you want me, I'm here.


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