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Ouch >.<



so yeah, we were at a sled hill. It's pretty steep, and you can get ging pretty dar fast at some places. Also, the snow's packed down alot so everything's really slick.. and solid. So anyways, these guys built a jump with snow piled over a bale of hay and My friend and I were sledding off it. It was about a foot and three-quarters, or maybe two feet. So yeah, I decided to snowboard off it, and I did. The only problem was that I can off the jump wrong, and the board came off one foot so I landed on that end, and on top of my arm, and at the same time I banged my head on the ground (which, as I mentioned, is about as hard as ice) so yeah. Everything hurts. >.<


Edit: Oh yeah, I'm getting Rock Band tommorow. Can't believe its taking them so long to release a PS2 version.


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