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The Frost Of The Winter's Heart~

Angel Beat


Time to get used to the cold blue of winter..


Winter. The coldest of the seasons. Snow and frost make their way into our lives, bringing darkness and, for many people, loneliness. For others, a lot of light, pleasure, romance and love.


*sigh* I can only dream of the latter right now... For me, Winter is a lonely season and if you've been keeping up with my blog, you know why.


Whether it's a snow storm or the ice cold of the wind, Winter is a powerful season. It also brings along the holidays and the transformation into a new year. A new year which is usually full of hope and new chances.


As with other seasons, Winter knows a time of contemplation and remembrance. This time is usually located near the end of December and right before the new year.


Winter is also a season of hope, offering the chance to make up for some of your mistakes. I'm sure I've made some this year. Cuz, ya know, nobody's perfect. (Except for Omi, but he's special.) I'm sure the new year will bring us most of the things and feelings we need to get through life.


Here's to the happy holidays and a new year full of hope. ^_^


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Yeah, usually the end of the year is a joyful occasion. You can just tell by going outside, and feel the spirit of homes and stuff. Then there's the new year, which brings parties and gatherings of friends and family.

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It's a shame my family is too thin-spread throughout my country, so we're always unable to gather for the festivities, which can create a lonely feeling.

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