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I Am ... An Okay Movie



So me and some friends went to see I am legend today, I really liked it, except for a few details (see the spoiler tags)

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-the zombies are totally ridiculous, they're like if Voldemort from Harry Potter was bit by a radioactive spider, had a massive lobotomy, and was majorly hoped up on PCP and steroids ( if you don't know those drugs will make you crazy, very strong and pretty much unresponsive to external stimuli (read:pain) also, I am not endorsing the use of ANY kind of drugs, they are very bad kids)


- it was never explained why the virus made people turn into zombies


-the dog dies




+Will Smith mauling zombies in an SUV= awesome!


+for a horror movie, it was pretty funny


+The Shrek scene, if you've seen the movie, you know what I mean


+ the apocalyptic New York is epic


overall, if you want a movie about how humanity survives a virus outbreak, with lots of post-apocalyptic goodness, you will have to wait


If you want a horror-esque movie about Will Smith and a dog hunting zombies, go out and see it







"I love Shrek"

~Will Smith, I am Legend


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Shrek scene? When was that?

when he quotes shrek and donkey's lines while the movie is playing and then says to the kid (forgot his name) "I love shrek"


Just so you know, the spoiler tag didn't work. :P



fixed now thanks for telling me

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Yes, I thought that as well. They didn't realy explain the story going on behind the scenes well. Ok, it's a virus, but aren't they just supposed to kill you after the virus destroys all of your cells? :P


The Shrek part was hillarious! The creepiest part was when the dog went into the old building. For some reason I was very scared. :lol:

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