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First Attempt At Blogging



Saturday morning, and still 6000 words to go on BL #6. Behind schedule, especially with an EXO-FORCE book to be started right after this. Sometimes, when you hit the three-quarter mark, the book picks up speed and finishes itself -- sometimes you are still pushing the ol' sled uphill. :)


Eventful month coming up -- meeting with Scholastic on Tuesday, then off to Billund for BIONICLE meetings, and then a week of LEGO Club meetings. Going to be hard to squeeze writing in with all that. As I always tell people, any day I am not in front of my computer writing is a wasted day.


Other than that, just trying to decide if it makes sense to replace chunks of my comic collection with those new "40 Years of ..." software sets Marvel has come out with. Downside is you have to read them at your computer (they're Adobe PDFs) -- upside is 11 CDs are a lot lighter than two or three long boxes of comics, and I do need to winnow my collection down so it doesn't take up so much space -- space being at a premium since I got married. Anyone own any of the software sets? Any thoughts?




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must be a lotta' work being a comic writer! Good work on writing the books and comics!

(is there gonna be a Bionicle Legends#7?)

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Wow 6000 word, thats alot :blink: I think your gonna need a vacation after that. I do some bionicle writing in my spare time about my Toa but I never did a 6000 word story so gl with that.


P.S. Omg First time to Take to GregF :D AND I THINK MY HEARTS GONNAS STOP LOL! :wacko:



:tohu: Posted By: Toa Hinuku, The Toa of Ice! :tohu:


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I CAN NOT BELEIVE YOU HAVE TO TYPE 6000 WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: by the way i am your number 1 fan!!


Ummm... BIONICLE Legends #6 is already finished and out. And anyway, he's an author. What did you expect?


Also, please don't double post. The "edit" button is there for a reason.

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