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Christmas And Such~

Angel Beat


I hope everyone's enjoying their Christmas time. I know I do. I watched the second Harry Potter film today. (Yesterday, the first film was on the telly.)

Fun movies. The third one will be broadcasted tomorrow.


Well, I didn't get any presents for Christmas, but I don't mind. Christmas for me means to be with the ones you love (if possible). And I'm just not a very materialistic person. ^_^


Yeah, I changed the title of my Blog, seeing it's Winter and all. Also, not many people could see the Korean characters. I like this title, by the way. It shares some info about my seasonal state of..mind? Anyway, it's nice.


My package containing the DVD and Christmas single hasn't arrived yet. Bummer. :P Probably next Thursday or something.

So close to completion.... Yes, I'll take a picture.


I'm listening to my BoA mp3s right now. Just now I was listening to the live version of Amazing Kiss from the 2004 tour. Right now it's the same lovely song, but from the 2005 tour, which sounds very different. Lower, and even more ballad-ish because of it. Lovely.


I've been hunting for pictures again, but my standard/favourite BoA picture source is offline. Server problems. Will be down until they get a new one. O.o; So I had to use another one. Oh well. ._. Probably means no real news updates for a while either.


January 2 is probably the date I'll be able to buy the XBox 360, provided I don't spend a lot of money next Friday. :P






~Patiently waiting for your lovely letter~


Recommended Comments

Oh right, that's how your font color changes. I didn't notice that before.


Seasonalllll :o

Yess, seasonal... :evilgrin:


If you don't get that 360, I might have to disown you. :P


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

And we all know disowning someone is bad. :P

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