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Aw No! Overkill! Meet The Spartans!






I am so sorry to inform you all that I have just seen the trailer to this movie not to long ago, and again somone let loose the 2 of the 6 writers from the Scary Movie Franchise from their cage yet again. With movies like Date Movie and Epic Movie left in their path of destruction, we can't expect this one to be any different.



Sorry King Leonidas. I truly am sorry...




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Are you kidding? This movie looks great!

Trust me, it's not going to be pretty....

I still have nightmares form Epic Movie.


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Meh, liked Epic movie(Jack Swallows was not only a great recreation of Jack's walking style, style of speech, and Johnny Depp's voice, but the thing with the wheel was hysterical. ^_^), got the commercial(The full one, not just the one with the Britney Spears, Stomp the Yard & 300 jokes,) on a DVD I used to record something, and I have a feeling this may be good. ^^

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We've lost one to the dark side...




Nah, I should jst say "Everyone's entitled to their opinon" but who doesn't say that?




I'm having too much fun with this freedom of speech thing...



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:lol: POWER!!! UNLIMITED POWER!!! *Zaps AA with force lightning*


^^ Free speech is a fun thing to mess with the boundaries of.


Btw, off-topic, no offense, but judging by some of your posts and the order on your interests lists, I can't really see someone so preachy and religious becoming a WWE star. Well, I suppose you could call yourself "The Preacher" or something like that and recite a line of gospel before wrestling. :P

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Erm, declaring Christianity by a T-shirt? Not the, um, best way of showing your beliefs.

I'm not saying thats all he does. He makes refercences to God and his belief whenever on camera, they even used it in his character gimmick where Vince McMahon tried to get him to admit he wanted revenge against a wrestler for giving im a concussion (which was complete storyline mine you. He had to have knee surgery).



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