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Going For The Gold



The Blog of the Week 54 attempt is right around the corner. Today is 53, and I plan to take the Award for the first week of 2008 (hopefully my streak of luck on the first week is better than usual.


I told you about my attempt here first. I'm still going for it.


With that, I plan to make the next week as interesting for this blog and its readers as much as possible.


Also, I'm doing a little remodeling as you can see. Though the Yin Yang Symbol at the top of all the content blocks bothers me intensely. I know its my theme, how my life goes for bad to good and good to bad, but its still a symbol of a religion. My beliefs don't stick to that religion. I'm a Christian, and I'm proud of it. I may not have gone to church in a long while (since my move back in late Oct.) but I still have the Holy Spirit of God in me. So I ask the Blog Assistants or Leader(s?) reading this if I could replace it with a Jesus Fish, Dove, or anything (not a cross). Its all I ask. I want to earn the Blog of the Week, but this means more to me than that.




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Err, no offense, but while it was a religious symbol(Bhuddist if I'm correct,), it's more than that. It symbolizes balance, inner peace, things like that, an important thing to have in a lot of stuff. Anyway, if you can get it changed, when you do, could you make it the dove rather than the fish? Thankee. :) (Probably what they'll allow too, as, if I'm correct, the fish has a cross as an eye.)


At any rate, good luck on BotW. ^^

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Huh. All the ones I've seen do...maybe I'm just considering the ones that don't have words in them ""Darwin fish" things. I still like the ones with "Gefilte" on it. ^_^

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Err, no offense, but while it was a religious symbol(Bhuddist if I'm correct,), it's more than that. It symbolizes balance, inner peace, things like that, an important thing to have in a lot of stuff.


Taoism, sir, Taoism.


The mandala is the symbol of Buddhism.

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