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"green" Funerals



You know what I'm talking about. Biodegradable coffins, no formaldehyde stuff, more ecological burial, etc, general environmental welfare stuff. So if people are gonna go with coffins that break down shortly, and without any sort of thing to slow down decomposition, this means their bodies will decay, rot, and become one with the Earth much faster. So has anybody thought about the potential for abusing this? I mean, you could somebody who has it in their will that they want a green funeral in a non-conspicuous manner, and they'd be buried, and the body would be too decayed to determine the cause of death or whatnot from by the time anybody got suspicious. Geez. Another case of humanity not thinking things over.


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I understand, G. The government doesn't claim right to dead bodies, after all, so someone could murder somebody, have a quick "green" funeral, and no one would be the wiser.



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Infact this whole enviromental movement is a scam to sell hybrid cars, and the whole enviromental problems are an excuse to cover up the mass murder of our wildlife by a cult secretly controlling the government.

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Infact this whole enviromental movement is a scam to sell hybrid cars, and the whole enviromental problems are an excuse to cover up the mass murder of our wildlife by a cult secretly controlling the government.

...Conspiracy theorist.

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Honestly, this is a problem... We've all heard stories of how a murder investigation has been re-opened, and they had to dig up the body to re-investigate...


And what GMan was talking about was purposely using the Green Funeral in the case that the real killer wasn't caught... I believe...

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