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Qui- Gon Said To Stay In The Cockpit



"...and that's what I'm going to do, R2."


That said, you can guess what Lego set my friend got me for Christmas. (as mentioned in the last entry)


Not into Star Wars? Then I'll say it was the new Naboo N-1 Starfighter with Vulture Droid! It's great, definitely worth the price tag (free for me, but for you....), and with two minfigs (one including small minifig legs) and a whole R2-D2, there are a bunch of sweet pieces in this set.

Great pieces include 2 goggles, 4 of these (can't wait to use those), another windscreen, 2 of these (which I need), and 1 of each angle of this (which I needed badly, as in I didn't have any.)


I also got Nuparu Mahri (awesome set, I don't see why he got bad reviews) and Matoro Mahri (which I already have, so I'll exchange him to pay for half of Lesovikk) from another friend.


We also stayed up to 3:40 watching The Matrix (awesome, but the ending leaves something to be desired. I guess I'll have to see Reloaded and Revolutions eventually), building with Lego, surfing the web, having fun, etc. (eating munchies....)


So that was my New Years. Yours? (I guess I'll find out if I read your blog....)


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: If you expect the unexpected, doesn't that make the unexpected the expected?


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Well, my sister and I went to our aunt "Lena" and uncle "Arthur"'s, as Mom didn't feel too good, and Dad was on call, so they didn't go. Grandma "Sally" was there, and so were my other aunt and uncle, and their kids, our cousins. First we did the annual scavenger hunt. There were ways to get extra points, one of them, as one item on the list was five playing cards, getting certain hands. I thought I had a flush, which would have put me in second ("Larry" and "Amy", my cousins, tied for first) but I had one heart, which I had mistaken for a diamond, so I came in fourth. :) Then we had munchies. For me, that meant cookies, banana bread, pretzels dipped in chocolate, chips, and pop. Then we played Hyperdash. Never played it before then, and it was fun. Then we played Dance Dance Revolution Universe 2. Everyone who played each did two dances before we moved on to the next activity. (I danced to Safety Dance by men Without Hats, and Walk Like An Egyptian by the Bangles. Then we played....








Rock Band = Funnest game ever. My sister, cousin "Amy", and I formed a band. Funk Wiginotz: FLG. (FLG stood for Finger Lickin' Good) I was Ray Bishop, guitarist, "Amy" was Gwena, drummer, and sis was Relgirl, singer. Then we did some songs, then "Larry" "Lena" and "Arthur" formed a band, The Concessions. And on their second song, "Arthur" replaced some of the lyrics with food. And still hit the right notes. HILARIOUS!!!


Then sis and cousins went across the drive to Grandma's for their sleepover. Then everyone left except Aunt "Lena" played Euchre, with me and Uncle "Arthur winning by just one point. Paranormal State was on, and that gave me the creeps, Then we watched the ball drop in Times Square on TV, and then clinked glasses and said "Happy New Year!" Then my other Aunt and Uncle dropped me off at home. Then I went up to bed. And got up at 7:30. Then fell asleep until 11:00. Yup. Tired.

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Rocked out to a bunch of old songs 'till 11:30, then lit some fireworks...

Which was hopelessly dwarfed by the AMAZING fireworks display set up by the neighbors, which went on for at least 2 hours


On another note, I still have the original LEGO Naboo fighter constructed on top of my TV set. Due to MOCing and a few accidents it's missing half a dozen peices though :P

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On another note, I still have the original LEGO Naboo fighter constructed on top of my TV set. Due to MOCing and a few accidents it's missing half a dozen peices though :P




We did fireworks once, last year, but then we were out in the country in the middle of nowhere.



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