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Weekly Update - 1/4

Black Six



Welcome back to our weekly updates. I'll try to make this one a little longer than other recent entries and see if I can scrounge up some goodness. Oh yeah, before I forget, Happy New Year everybody!



The new year is here, and every week the new sets become more widely available. We already have posted one review of a new set, and we have a few more more coming up. In addition, we have a couple more 2007 sets that were never reviewed. We intend to still post reviews for them, and the first should be up tomorrow with any luck. In other news, we should be increasing the number of Post Approvers soon, to help get posts and topics approved faster.


As far as the virus goes, we're aware people are still having issues and are progressing through our options to resolve the problem. We know it's a real pain, but bear with us.


That's it on the updates front for this week.



  • What if your favorite year of BZPower’s history?
  • What is your favorite 2007 set (that you have)?
  • How old were you when you first joined the staff?

My favorite year was probably 2003. The first movie was released and that was a huge deal. BZPower was able to go to its premier and was really recognized BY Lego as the premier Bionicle fan site in that year.

Since I only have one, I'll have to got with Mantax for that.

I had just turned 14 when I became a staff member. That was almost six and a half years ago, wow...


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



So that's all there is for this week. Hopefully some things we are scheming about behind the scenes (all good stuff) will be able to be revealed in the coming weeks. But until that point, keep checking back!


Recommended Comments

Happy New Year Black Six!


The post approver job sounds like fun (half honesty, half sarcasm). :P


I really look forward to all the set reviews, as I'm not really sure what 2008 sets I want (I've already gotten the Toa Ignika). What one is being posted tomorrow?


Quick question about when you became staff. You were only a member for a handful of days before you got hired to the staff position, I'm curious as to why it happened so soon.



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Good to hear more set reviews are coming. :)

You became staff when you were fourteen? Sweet. That is a sign we have the right people in charge.

Happy New Year!


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Happy New Year Black Six!


The post approver job sounds like fun (half honesty, half sarcasm). :P


I really look forward to all the set reviews, as I'm not really sure what 2008 sets I want (I've already gotten the Toa Ignika). What one is being posted tomorrow?


Quick question about when you became staff. You were only a member for a handful of days before you got hired to the staff position, I'm curious as to why it happened so soon.



Today will be a 2007 playset. I have at least one 2008 set review on hand that I need to format and get posted. I hope to get moving on it faster than I have in the past.


When I joined BZPower there were less than thirty members. The site started growing very quickly afterwards though. I offered to help out Dimensioneer since prior to coming to BZPower I had been running the largest Yahoo! Group based on Bionicle. He accepted my request and the rest is history.


Hang on! Can regular members be post approvers? Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh....

At this time only existing forum staff are eligible to become post approvers.

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