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Random Bzper Of The Week 64



Sorry for being late, I was away. If anyone noticed my absense.

Lekorus lero

Lekorus lero has 66 posts (no Rating, 3 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 9-September 01. They have the preset 9/11 avatar, claims to be in two places at once, claims to be a 2 year member (he is a 6 year member, as I'm sure you're able to tell) and is interesting in cryptozoology, among things.

They last visited on the 17th of April 2004, and their birthday is the 28th of March 1990. Yup.

Och, banner, laddy.





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How do you pick these "random" members? Do you use one of those "number in a hat" methods or a google search or something?


Because as I see it, these are almost totally random...



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Might have said before, but I'll go into a nice little tutorial so you can have some Random stuff time fun. XD


In simple terms, it involves a Random Number Generator, and knowing how many members are on BZP that have more than 10 posts. In complex, not always comprehensive terms...

1. Go to a random number generating site (I use Random.org)

2. Open up another window and go to the BZP members page, and set it to people over 10 posts. Go to the last page (take note of the number at the very end of the URL) and add the number of people on that last page to find out how many people with over 10 posts have.

3. Switch back to Random.org and go Interger Generator. The settings you need to put in are you want 1 number generated (or more, depending on how many weeks I've missed) and it's to be between 1 and the number of members. Then hit Go!

4. You'll now have a number. THIS IS NOT THE MEMBER NUMBER! Round the number down to the nearest multiple of 20, and enter that new number into the Members list window, replacing the number at the end of the URL.

5. Once on that new page, refer to the randomly generated number and count the remaining members till you find the member that was chosen. If they're a Banned Member, go to the next not banned member along. XD


Course, this is my way. You can cheat and use the random number as the Member Number, but there is more chance for error then.

Hope that makes some sense. If not, I still retain the secret. :P



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