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Final Voting



So we have the two winners, as well as an overall wildcard.... so lets let the final voting begin!


The voting will last to the 7th at 11:59 P.M. EST. I will tally up the votes and order the MOCs accordingly. Prizes will be announced the next day.


Vote for the MOC that you like the best.


And that being said, let the voting begin!


1. Kopakalaka


2. Icy J, Haru, and Chrome


3. Ballom


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Wow, I can't believe that my MOC got this far! Great contest, Blue Diamond, all the entries are cool.


But as yet, I must vote for myself. At least I got to the finals, even if I don't win. (Something I only have done in this blog and mine)



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I vote for me! Which is actually a vote for Draxon :wacko: .

As of my post, these are the standings.


Kopakalaka-6~Ballom-6~Icy J, Haru, and Chrome-1



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