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OK, it's finally up!


This one was a huge project, as you can tell by looking at the number of character bios on the site. It was done in a rush, so it's not perfect, but we'll definitely be adding to it. I have some fairly big plans to beef up the site over the next half year, which I think you guys will really appreciate.


Some new content from Greg will be put on the site, probably starting this week.


This was a pet project of mine. BIONICLEstory was born of necessity, and the Mahri Flash presentation (which you can still play here) was slick. But it didn't get across the entirety of the BIONICLE story or universe... there was no official repository of past storyline info or fun stuff. It didn't really fit on BIONICLE.com, but this is a much better place for it.


In case you're wondering... this certainly doesn't replace the BZPower reference center, or BioSector01, or any other fan effort. It's not meant to be as detailed as BS01, for example; it's meant more to get people up to speed on the back story, and put the current story into context for new and experienced BIONICLE fans.


It also gave me a chance to do some writing... I drafted all but the Phantoka chapter descriptions, which Greg reviewed and adjusted where necessary. I knew all those hours spent reading about the storyline since 2001 would come in handy some day!


The response I've gotten from others within the company has been very positive - everybody seems to appreciate having this information available in a single place.


So, while there might not be a lot that's new for all you core BIONICLE fans, it's a huge step for me in expressing my vision of BIONICLE on the 'net. I'm anxiously awaiting the stats report to see how it does... it'll take a few weeks to get an accurate depiction, but I'm hoping there's enough to keep people on the site for a long time, and keep them coming back. After all, there's a ton of stuff that has been created over the years, and it would be a shame not to use it.


So, yes, there will be more stuff to do in coming months. Don't think it's finished!


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Totally awesome that a former fan of Bionicle actually got on the web team and design this. It is excelent!



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This, dear Binky, is why BIONICLE will be so great this year. Rather than "flashiness and cool-ness", the emphasis will also be on info. The last two years were lacking that, in my opinion, and this year will bring that back. :)

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Wow. Did you put bios for every character yet?


Every character that's appeared as a set. Since there are literally hundreds of characters that have been created over the years - many of which appear only in Greg's writing - we had to decide where the cutoff was. Anything that had ever been a set seemed the best approach.


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Yay! Reference to Mata Nui (2).

That opening video is cool. I played it over again.


Seeing Takanuva, the Nuva Cube, and the mask/island pix was amazing. I had thought Lego wasn't going to think about those.


Um...Voya isn't "Floating in the Endless Ocean above Mahri Nui and The Pit."

(Hehe, it's even referenced in Karda Nui that Karda Nui is "Beneath where Voya Nui once floated")


Glad to get all that info on Karda Nui. I didn't know that.


But you know you did a good job.



Hmm, just looked through it some more....Now this is what Bionicle.com should have been in the first place! Instead of scrapping everything when Metru Nui came around. I'm loving all this reference to past Bionicle History! (It seems to be missing Sarda and Idris)



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I have to say, the website is extremely impressive now, I can't imagine how much hard work it took. And it's come at the perfect time too, with the storyline going back to the Nuva, and new fans being able to read about their history.



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This looks great... The site design looks like it could be right out of 2001, except it's all polished up and slick.

There are a couple characters who I think ought to have bios, though:





Also, Ahkmou, Takanuva, and Takua could use some updates.

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Wow. Did you put bios for every character yet?


Every character that's appeared as a set. Since there are literally hundreds of characters that have been created over the years - many of which appear only in Greg's writing - we had to decide where the cutoff was. Anything that had ever been a set seemed the best approach.

Unless the other five are in a different section of the site, you only have a link to Vahki Bordahk in the Villains page. ;) The only other thing is that before the background image of the main content (div class "mainContainer" or div class "subContainer") loads, the black text is directly on the dark brown. Is there a way you can make the background something lighter so that the text shows up fine before the background image loads?


Nice work, btw. It looks like it would have been difficult.

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Bink, were there any plans to put up pages for the collectible size characters? Like one page with general info on krana, kraata, sea squid, and shadow leaches? Also allot of the Makuta bios mention their 40+ powers but casual fans probably don't have a clue what those are, is there any chance you might put up a page about the Brotherhood of Makuta and on it list all their powers? I know your still updating it, I just thought it would be better to ask too early than too late. Other than my couple of suggestions great work, it's turning out to be an awesome site :D .

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