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I Roll 6 And Cast +3 Baby!



As I believe I have mentioned precisely once before, my mom is expecting our family’s eighth child (Those of you who would like to duel me for the BZPer With the Most Immediate Family Members Award, it’s spiked cudgels at dawn.) sometime in mid-to-late January.

As the birth has drawn closer, we’ve been bouncing names about. My mom (Who is obsessed with the Irish for some reason despite the complete lack of Irishness in our ancestry (see Stats-->) and has stuck at least three of us with Celtic or Gaelic names) likes Seamus, my dad is okay with pretty much everything except Seamus, and I still can’t understand why I can’t name it Otto Baat. I mean, I am going to be the kid’s godparent…


*Lethargic “Yayyy” in the style of Holy Grail emits from the surrounding populace*


Otto Baat? Get it? :superfunny:, I know.


Maybe it’ll be a girl and save us the trouble.


Also, I posted my BBCC 47 entry, Craniopod NOD. It remains to be seen whether it’s quite as awesome as I thought it was at 12:45am after getting home from that party. Some certainly think so, but unfortunately those who may condemn its body for not being “custom” or “original” enough seem to be the people who constitute the majority of second-wave BBCC voters. However, I followed through quite nicely with my vision of it, and my peers quite like it, so I’m okay with any fallout that may result from being content to *gasp!* use prefabricated limbs for their intended purpose.




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Customization and originality were not my gripes. I think it is custom, and original, I just wanted more out of it.

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Vermillion: I think that might be a little too hardcore even for my mom, but thanks for the suggestion, I'll run it by the parentals.


Lluvio: Not quite, but I pretty much had to make it look like Marvin since the head was already that way.


CF: Yup! Mainly because I can, plus my parents are running out of suitable candidates.


CzaR: I hear you, but more what, exactly?

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More visual impact I suppose. Perhaps a tool or some kind of gadget for it. There is something to be said for simplicity though. I suppose I am a bit biased, I enjoy complex stuff.


Im terrible I know :P.

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Yeah, simplicity's what I was going for. A tool or something might have been neat, but I remembered its primary function and decided to leave it out. As for visual impact, I personally like the contrast between the eyes and the rest of the body. Accenting it would have been quite tricky given its small size.
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