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Congratulations, It's A Blog!



Wow. Look at that. It's a Blog!


Anyway, I signed up for Premier Membership yesterday. And it's been approved already! :P


Anyway, what are you supposed to do on a blog? I'm not so sure. Here's a list of things I've seen people do with their Blogs. Not all on BZP. ;)

  • Talk about their daily life.
  • Make an intelligent argument about something.
  • Moan, whinge, groan, gurn, and other related things.
  • Make contests.
  • Talk utter nonsense.
  • Boast.
Right. Quite a nice list. Hows about I try all of these, and see which ones work best?


Here we go...


Well, today I went to school, played rugby, came home, played Guitar Hero, and went on BZP. The exciting life of me.


Second one...


I firmly believe that sliced bread is not the greatest invention known to man. No. I believe that man's greatest triumph is in fact...the mobile phone.

If we didn't have these marvellous inventions, how would we be able to talk to our friends digitally from a few feet away? How would we be able to tell our friends where we are in the food court? And how would we be able to chortle mindlessly over some immature, not-funny picture?


Well, the intelligent bit was hard for me. Next one...


I don't like this board. I don't like me. I don't like you. I don't like a video game I haven't played. I don't like sets I've never seen for real. I don't like anything, really. Urgh.


That was easy. :P Next one...


Okay, contest time! First person to do nothing!


I win! Woo!


Next one...


Spongebob is the coolest! Do you like pie? I like pie. Especially with sprinkles made from squirrels' eggs. Mmmm. Oh, I saw some grass yesterday! Yeah, I know! Cool, isn't it?! It was green!


And so on and so forth. Final one...


I caught a fish and it was this big! Bigger than Tahu's temper! Bigger than Lewa's weirdness! Bigger than Brutaka's mask! It was huge, I tell you!


Okay, we're done. Hmm, tricky.

I'm not sure what I'll do for this blog. Check back soon!

*Tinkly music*


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