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Kingdom Hearts 3



Here are my ideas for a KH2- KH3 filler, plus of course KH3 Plot, all thought of by me, As I promised in the OKHT.



KH2-KH3 Filler:


System (s): Nintendo DS, PSP


Name: Royal Kidnappings


Plot: After Sora and Riku arrive back on the Destiny Islands, all seems well and normal, Untill a Letter arrives from the King saying that Donald, Goofy, Queen Minnie, Daisy, and himself were kidnapped.


Sora, with Riku and Kaiirr, set out on a journey..




Incredibles World (The Incredibles (2004))

Party Member: Mr.Incredible

Boss: Syndrome


Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, And the Wardrobe

Party Member: Peter

Boss: White Witch


New York (American Dragon: Jake Long)

Party Member: Jake

Boss: Huntsclan


Middleton (Kim Possible)

Party Member: Kim

Boss: Drakken


Udrogoth (Dave the Barbarian)

Party Member: Fang (Dave is too wimpy :P)

Boss: Chuckles


:pirate: Port Royal {Pirates of the Carrebian: Dead Mans Chest) :pirate:

Party Member: Jack Sparrow

Boss: ???


Sky High (Sky High)

Party Member: Will

Boss: Warren Peace



San Fransisco (Full House)

Party Member: Michelle

Boss: Kimmy Gibbler




That's all for now... Hunter Nuva is sleepy and has a headache... :wacko:





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It's a TV Show on Disney about this Kid who can turn Into a Dragon and he has to protect mystical creatures and stuff.

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He's got a point :psychotwitch: But Kimmy as a boss... *shudder* she probably launches a shoe at ya or somethin XP. But some of them... I dunno. Full House? Great show and all, but as a game level? Well, sure, Pooh Bear... but neh :P But for the PSP, that would be super cool.
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:blink: Omi, that's a good Point. CoM was techically kH2, so It's KH4!



Dorek- I agree with the Boss point, but Kimmy was the only Boss I Could think of.



If Little Mermaid and Winnie the pooh can be int he game, Full House can :P




Pirate Sora, Dragon Sora, Supersuit Sora, and Sora Inika would be AWESOME.

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