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I think I drew that just to draw his weapon and the "Shadow Leech." And yes, it was drawn in around seven minutes. :P Don't mind me, I'm just weird like that, Yo.


Oh, and just so you know, it does look ugly (uglier than usuall, that is) for a reason. Mostly the lack of effort put into it. And don't think I don't know it. :P


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"I don't feel like drawing any of this stuff that's in this part of his body so I will not."


Interesting. You still retain some free will after my brainwashing of BZP-- I mean, what now? :P



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Seven minutes.........?


You have my undying admiration of you art skills for that.


"Empty Arm." You know, I think it kinda looks a bit what he might look like in a movie, if they made one for the '08 storyline.

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I was wondering why you were including subliminal messages in your drawing...


Then Lt. Torhuki was kind enough to interpret for us. ;)


Seven minutes. Whoa. If only I could draw like that in seven minutes.

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I was wondering why you were including subliminal messages in your drawing...


Then Lt. Torhuki was kind enough to interpret for us. ;)

Uh, it's Commander, now. But that's OK. :D



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