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Rugby - A Lesson For Americans



Hi again, guys. Today's entry is about rugby! Yay! :P This'll be brief, because it'd take ages to write the full rules.


Anyway, rugby's a bit like American football but without all the armour and stuff. It's a game played with two teams, 15 men on each. The teams are each split up into forwards and backs.


Forward Positions (Number of players in this position)

  • Props (2)
  • Hooker (1)
  • Second Rows (2) (Me!! :D)
  • Number 8 (1)
  • Flankers (2)
Back Positions
  • Scrum Half (1)
  • Out Half (1)
  • Centre (2)
  • Wing (2)
  • Full Back (1)
So those are the positions. The forwards drive the other team off the ball, and give it to the backs. The backs run and score. Forwards are still allowed to score, though.


And there's rucks, which are what the forwards are really there for. This is when a player has been tackled, and both teams are trying to win the ball. When the referee calls "Ruck formed!" the rules of the ruck comes into play. No-one is allowed to touch the ball with their hands, except the Scrum Half. When he gets the ball, he passes to the backs.


There are different ways to score. Tries give 5 points, when the ball is put down (without bouncing, it must be stationary) on the goal or try line. If a player on the other team puts his hand under the ball so it can't touch the ground, it is said to be held up, and no points are given. A drop-goal is when the ball is drop-kicked over the posts, and gives 3 points. When you score a try, you are allowed to kick it over the posts for two extra points. This is called a conversion.


Fouls are given for things like passing forwards, tackling above the shoulders, being offside, touching the ball with hands during a ruck, and knocking on.

Either a scrum or a penalty is given when this happens. A scrum is when all the forwards bind together and try to push the other team's pack off the ball.

In a penalty, you can kick or pass.


If the ball goes out at the side, it's a line-out. The team that didn't hit it out gets to take the line out. The only exception to this rule is when the ball is kicked out without it bouncing first.

In a line-out, both team's forwards stand one behind the other, a metre apart from the other team. One team's hooker throws the ball down the centre, and both teams try to get it.


Well, that's pretty much it. I've probably forgotten something, so if you've got any questions ask in a comment! :)


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Rugby, football... all ways for people to beat each other up for other people's entertainment. The glory of sports. B)


Although thanks for the info... never really knew much about the actual game.



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I was actually starting to wonder how Rugby was played...


Wait...I thought people got to punch/ kick/ etc. each other in Rugby. Or at least that it was mildly violent. I believe that's what I heard from some people I know that are from South Africa.


So, anyway, nice to know how the game is finally played at least. Thought to me, it seems more like Soccer/Football from what you said. Then again, I really don't know much about either one.


So yeah, thanks.






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Nope, no punching or kicking. In the actual rules, anyway. Sometimes it's overlooked. :P


And the way you tackle and the rucks make it a bit more violent. If anyone doesn't know, a rugby tackle is basically grabbing round their legs and bringing them to the ground. But sometimes you get a kick up the face. :lol:


Oh, bones are broken all the time. Collarbones are the most common.

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