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My Rant Against Evil



Yes, this is the blog post I have been trying to write for, a long time....why hasn't it been written yet? Because I'm a nice person, and every time someone does something annoying/evil, I'm usually able to rant to Tek about it....well, this time it's just not good enough. I need to put it down on the internet...So....what spurs this on you ask? THEEVES. Yes, it has come to my attention that A SPECIFIC PERSON (not mentioning names) has been taking things directly off both of my maj acounts, and sticking them on other sites claiming them as their own....HELLO. THEY'RE EVEN USING THE URL FROM MY MAJ!!! I mean honestly, if you're going to steal, do it right! Actually, don't steal at all, or I'll come after you with a stick, throw you in jail, and write a blog post about you, without mentioning any names even though I sure would like to.


So, what's my problem with thieves? Well, for starters IT'S AGAINST THE LAW. Stealing copywrited images -coughcoughanythinganotherartistmakesunlessstatedotherwisecoughcough- is just plain wrong. You post your amazing art, and you don't see me taking it and claiming it as your own. It feels awful to be the artist who has worked hours (Okay, maybe not always hours) but has put THEIR time into THEIR WORK only to have it taken and claimed as someone elses. How cruel is that? I mean, it's like as bad as pirating movies....LEAVE MY ART ALONE. YOU CANNOT HAVE IT. YOU CANNOT "MODIFY" IT. YOU CANNOT USE IT WITH CREDIT (UNLESS YOU ASK THE ARTIST AND THEY SAY IT IS FINE) --Most people assume that using another's art is fine as long as they give credit, this is not so....You really need to check with the artist FIRST, making sure that it is okay for you to use things with credit to them on it, otherwise, this is considered theft.


So, thats the only problem with thieves? Nope, not at all, theres much more to theft then just taking someones art. TRUE artist show originality, THIEVES show "OVER-INSPIRATION" -coughcoughideathievescoughcough- So it's not so much as stealing someones specific piece of artwork, but taking their ideas are awful as well.


EDITING is plain mean. Taking someone's art and "Fixing it" or "changing the color" even, the artist didn't ask you to, SO DON'T.








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EDIT: o.0 I didn't even mention the site's name...

No, but you did allude to it in a rather obvious way. Honestly, the way you did it, you pretty much said its name right there.

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Oh okay, sorry about that.

I was just under the impression that since the site doesn't exist and I half mentioned the name it wouldn't be considered advertising.

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cool dudes. >_>


It's kind of pathetic the way they're doing it though, stealing it off your maj. Trust me, you're dealing with a professional noob here.

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