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Project Unknown



Hello there, I'm Holder_of_the_Keyblade a member of an awesome project called Project Unknown created by Boba Fett.

This here is the official meeting place of the project. Updates will be added here along with the list of how the different projects are going along. To see already created Toa check out the folder here Old Project Unknown Folder, and we have also just created a brand new folder entirely dedicated to Project Unknown and here is the linkNew project Unknown Folder. For members taking part in the project, we all will all have access to this account, you just need to PM Boba for the password I hope you enjoy the work so far. Keep checking back for more!




X=Open Spot

X-(name)=Going to be done by the person named

O-(name)=Finished by the person named


Lesovikk's Team-

Lesovikk---X-Boba Fett

Nikila---O-Boba Fett

Iron---O-Boba Fett

Sonics---O-Boba Fett


Fire---O-Boba Fett


Stone---O-Boba Fett


Makoki Guarders-

Toa of the Green---O-Boba Fett




Lhikan's Team-

Nidhiki---O-Boba Fett



Ice---O-Boba Fett

Ice---O-Boba Fett

Ice---O-Boba Fett




Dume's Team-



Spinner's Team-



Savage's Team-

Savage---O-Kongu The Wind-Rider



Toa of Gravity (killed by Lariska)---X

Toa of Plasma (killed by Zaktan)---O-Boba Fett

Toa of Sonics (killed by Piraka)---X

Charger's Tool---X

Zamor sphere guarder---O

Karzahni Suletu-weilder---X

Prototype (2 Toa)---X Xael Tradakk

First Toa---O-'`Dark Toa Xenronn`'


Jovan's Team-

Male who used Ignika---X


Members who have contributed:

Boba Fett (Main MOCist - Database Keeper)

Taga (MOCist)

Holder_of_the_Keyblade (Blog runner)

Kongu The Wind-Rider (MOCist)

Xael Tradakk (MOCist)

Sir Penguin 99 (Idealist)

Toa Nui Nuva (Inspirationist; original creator of Toa Nikila, our first project)

Vahkiti: Time Guardian(MOCist)

Toa_Ausar (Repainter)

.:Toa Sovix:. (status pending)

HeatproofHobo (status pending)

Dark Toa Xenronn (MOCist)

The Trigger (Concept Designer)


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Idealist, huh? :) That's my buddy! Note to Boba: Yes, it's fine with me, and I'll put up a gallery of the Toa of Earth this weekend sometime. Thanks! :D

Another note: I also have a large (as in, Maxilos-large) MOC with primary white and secondary red color scheme about two-thirds done. Got a spot in mind?

Final thought: What mask were you thinking when you gave me Earth? Is Pakari Nuva good? I've also got a black Hau...


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Hotkey, I also have a few updates. First of all, I am handing off the Fire Toa MOC to Boba Fett ( or Tom as he's now calling himself :P), and I am now doing the two toa that formed Prototype.

Tom also has a couple more updates that he'll make after a while, probably in a week or so.

That's all! :)

~Xael Tradakk

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Hotkey, I also have a few updates. First of all, I am handing off the Fire Toa MOC to Boba Fett ( or Tom as he's now calling himself :P), and I am now doing the two toa that formed Prototype.

Tom also has a couple more updates that he'll make after a while, probably in a week or so.

That's all! :)

~Xael Tradakk

Yeeeeah boy! I'm Tom!


Hey Xael, go here for the Toa of Fire.


And to the above, I'd rather go with the Pakari Nuva; I just used a Hau on another Toa of Earth. >.>



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