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Dark Mirror - My Thoughts

Danska: Shadow Master


Anyone who's payed attention to Bioniclestory.com, the S & T forum or the software forum has probably noticed by now that the first chapter of Dark Mirror - the Takanuva podcast - is up. It's pretty cool, I have to admit, but there are a few things I don't like about it (which may end up sounding like everything. I can be over-critical at times).


If you have not heard the biocast and do not want it spoiled, STOP READING NOW!






First things first, the shadow leech. I'd like to know how it got to Metru Nui, and why it effects Takanuva's appearance (the Matoran in the Core had to be mutated) although that to me is one of the less important things. Now, the idea of him being able to control both light and shadow is cool, but why oh why would it matter which hand he uses? The light/darkness thing is to do with the character's spirit, not their body, isn't it? If he could control both but only one at once, that would be fine. If he could control both but had a lesser control over each than a Toa of any single element, that would be fine. I don't like the idea that 'this hand uses this power, this hand uses the other'. Nevertheless, the whole light+shadow thing is pretty cool.


Ok. Now onto the alternate dimension. Cool idea - Tuyet and Nidhiki betray Lhikan, Tuyet becomes master of the universe, existing organisations have no choice but to fight back. I like that. What I don't like is why suddenly, the Toa decide to back this. From what I've seen, Toa are very noble beings who simply do not stand for injustice, wherever it's coming from. This certainly is true for most Toa in the story, but suddenly the Toa Mata's personalities have changed completely and they've turned evil for no other reason than another Toa decided to. Huh? That really doesn't seem in character. I can't imagine any of them following a totalitarian regime that actively oppresses Matoran, whether it's run by Toa or not. I'd have thought they'd be horrified at the thought.


Also, why on earth are the Toa Mata there in the first place? Their task is to awaken Mata Nui if and when he ends up in a coma. Evidently this has not happened, so there's no purpose for them to be out of their canisters.


I really dislike alternate universes that suddenly make all the characters we know both exist and be evil simply because it's 'cool'. Half the time the characters we know have no reason to exist, let alone exist in the same time, place and position they do in the 'real' universe. If the universe differs for a specific reason (like Tuyet using the Nui Stone), I would like the events that spring from that difference to be both credible and believable, please. No "oh look, these characters are evil because this character's evil!" because that's just lame and completely unrealistic, especially when the characters who have reportedly turned evil are reknowned for being unwavering heroes of justice.


Oh yes, one last thing annoys me: we didn't find out Toa Tuyet's tool!!! I want to know! :P


/End rant.





I'd say that came across too critically, wouldn't you? Perhaps something to do with having just had a Critical Thinking exam and generally enjoying any opportunity for a good rant. Anyway, with any luck, the discrepencies I mentioned will be explained/cleared up and I'll be a happy bunny (wait, I'm a bunny now?). Until then, I shall be contemplating this question:


If there are 6 biocasts this year, 3 at the start 3 at the end, they're the same length (same length as last year's ones) and they're being released one chapter at a time, that would mean the first ones will take 30 weeks to be over. The second ones would also take 30 weeks. But that means we're 8 weeks over the 'yearly limit', as it were. I mean, we didn't get one in the first week, so if all goes well there's another week to compensate for!


I'm hoping it means we'll get a few multi-updates. That would be awesome. 3 weeks is too long a wait for something so short.


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I quite agree; I was looking through blogs and I was wondering if I'd find something like this, and here it is, and lo and behold I agree with it! :D


The Shadow Leech thing annoys me in particular – in fact, the whole exposition does. Four major events, things that each really ought to have its own significant moment, are packed into a couple of sentences, with no explanation.


One, there's a Shadow Leech on Metru Nui. How did it get there? How did it just randomly happen to come across our hero?


Two, Takanuva finds out he can now control both Shadow and Light. Interesting idea, but c'mon, that's HUGE. It's just sort of a major development when the one Toa of Light in the universe finds out that his powers have been changed to both Light and Shadow. Where's the emotion? How did he find out? What does he think of the fact?


Three, Takanuva learns of the existence of the Order of Mata Nui. They're so secret nobody has known even about their existence until just a few weeks ago, when extreme circumstances required that the Inika and Nuva learn about them. Now, quite suddenly, they reveal themselves in entirety to Takanuva – for such a secretive order, faced with that situation they'd probably inform one member to heal Takanuva in secret, telling him absolutely nothing more than he absolutely needs to know. It seems quite uncharacteristic to tell him that the Order exists without a dire need to.


... Hm, I wonder if he's being stalked by an Order member. That would be fun to think about.


And four, he's sent to Karda Nui. No explanation other than "to bring information to the Toa Nuva" – he doesn't even know the Nuva are there, much less what the place is, or such significant relevant facts as that that was where Matoro died using the Ignika or that it was once his home. Maybe he was told all those things, but because they're such an enormous revalation they would reeeally need more than just a sentence to themselves – and they didn't even get a sentence, for that matter; he's just sent there, apparently with the needed information, no more described about it.


Of course, perhaps what he was told will be revealed in future episodes, but I just really think the exposition was far too rushed, very literally throwing Takanuva through the portal with only minimal description of the four major events before it.


I think you've covered the practicality criticism nicely of those points; that's my stylistic criticism.


I for one always hate "alternate universe where everyone we know is evil" stories, and I like this one no better than usual. As you mentioned, so far it seems unrealistic as well as canonically problematic with the Toa Mata... since otherwise I like the concept, of Nidhiki and Tuyet teaming up against Lhikan (those two should really have a romance between them, by the way). I think I agree; it would be more realistic if Nidhiki and Tuyet were in control, rather than the Toa Mata being around.


... But since I hate these type of stories, I might not be one to judge. My criticism of the exposition stands, though.

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Aye, there was far too little explanation at the beginning. Personally I'm not bothered too much by the shadow leech. It occured to me that the Brotherhood know about Takanuva and are perhaps too busy with their master plan to confront him directly (and in light of what happened to their leader, they may not want to). Now if I were in there position, and I had the means to turn not only a Toa, but the Toa of Light himself, into a Toa of shadow and have this being under my command, I'd go for it. Toa are powerful beings, after all, and I imagine the irony of turning their greatest enemy into an ally would appeal mightily to the intelligent members of the Brotherhood.


I suspect there is an Order member on Metru Nui at the very least, and that one of his duties is to stop any serious harm coming to Takanuva. Even so, suddenly revealing the existance of the order does seem like something of a big step.


When I first heard about the alternate universe, I thought "hey! A universe where Tuyet uses the Nui Stone! Cool!" Then I heard that the Brotherhood and Dark Hunters were freedom fighters. The Brotherhood, yes. I believe they were still 'good' back at that point in time. The Dark Hunters - they would never fight for freedom. For their own survival and interests, yes. They might well masquerade as freedom fighters in order to extend their own influence, but I can never see them protecting Matoran or doing anything that does not serve their own interests without demanding some kind of price. Exterminating Toa and acting as 'noble bounty hunters' is how I'd envision them.


The way I see it, Tuyet would try to rally Toa to her cause. She thinks she's in the right and that what she's doing is completely noble - exterminating the Dark Hunters and any threats to the Matoran and bringing order to them. She could probably convince a few, but there would be a vast number who's react much like Lhikan did, the Toa Mata included I'm sure. Unless Tuyet took extermination measures herself, we'd be talking about a Toa civil war. Whatever the result, there simply would not be enough Toa left to form anything like a 'Toa Empire'.


Still, it might improve...

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I don't have enough emotional investment at this stage to make a judgment call, but you both raise some valid points. Myself, I can't help wondering who's protecting Metru Nui in Takanuva's absence.


I'm sorry, but I can't see a Nidhiki/Tuyet romance, ToM. The timing might work for Nidhiki and Lariska. Maybe. But Nidhiki and Tuyet are too much alike, and I think, when it came down to it, they'd despise one another for that very reason.

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