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♥ And She Takes Her Leave ♥



Exactly one month ago today, my sister, one of my best friends and favorite people in my life, came back in from college in Arizona. I live in Illinois, really far away from Arizona. I was so happy to see her.


Today, I stood outside as tears streaked down my face, paving a road for more to follow. My sister left to go back to Arizona.


I won't see her for six months.


She's my best friend, I trust her with anything. Sure, we fight. But we're only four years apart, and now that we're both older, we've become closer. And I miss her.


I wish she would stay.




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I know what It's like, I only see my grandparents two or three times a year. And only one time is for longer than an overnight stay or weekend. I didn't even get to go see them for the usual week-or-so this summer because my sister's play practice was eating up any and all potential time, and she could NOT be persuaded to miss one or two sessions. And there were multiple sessions a week. But we did go there a few days after Christmas for the weekend, so that made things a bit better. Of course, it would have been a lot better if my evil cousins from Georgia weren't there, but it was only a couple days, so they were...tolerable.

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You'll see her again in the summer. Don't worry. It's get better. Whenever they leave, it's always the hardest.


And you still have the other one.


Until you strangle her. :lol:



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