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One Night Of Freedom And Where I Held My Ground



Yesterday I talked to my mom about going to visit my old town. The town where I grew up mentally and gave me so much pain, I grew stronger.


'Why would you want to go back to a town with that kind o memory?'


Because if it wasn't for that town, I wouldn't strong, I wouldn't be able to live a social life, and I probably woudn't have much of anything on BZP.


After much discussion, and me quietly arguing with them for about two hours, they finally get the message. My sister was in the same position I was in almost 5 years ago and she got to go to back to her town almost every freakin' day and then cry and complain once she got back home that she didn't live there.


I'm the same age as she was back then, back in her hometown, and I have only dealt with the poblem. My sister didn't even freakin' go to school in the other town (my hometown) and give it a chance while I sit here now, attending the town's high school, having not gone to visit my home town in three, count them, three freakin' months. I deserve it.


So around 5 o'clock, I get there.




I'm dropped off at my friend Tom's house, and we talk for about fifteen minutes befoe leaving. Stop by my other friend's work (Bionigirl, that would be Jess :P ) and then reach my friend Josh's annex(?) like one apartment home above a small business. Go there, talk for about an hour seeing if any of my other amigos could join. The Amigos happens to be all busy except Josh. Casey' at a party, Fernando's busy (I think), and Justin's mom probably sent him to help his stepdad with something. Justin's mom hates us, couldn't be more fake around us. I think she's okay with me. Dunno.


Anyways, I want to send my time here like I did in the good ol' days. Head over to Neighbor Brick Oven Pizza!


We walk in, guess who's there?


Ten friends!


Considering their wasn't an open table, we had to join in.


Now Josh wasn't exactly the most social one in my many known friends. He has different views on life, if not better. He's techically a straightedge. Most of everyone around the table has gotten drunk more than once and the bottles hidden in the bushes to prove it. So I stickwith talking with Josh and the girl next to me (ironically named Karlee, so the entire time, I just wish Bionigirl there) and eat the food we ordered. Unfortunately, Tom did something to mix up everything on how we were going to pay. I have about 30 dollars. Josh didn't even put in any of his money, and Tom thought he did. He jut took the money out of my wallet I handed to him and ended up putting all the money I had to pay for the tab!


Now I noticed this quick, because I wasn't going to get played like that by Tom's amazing skill at math[/sarcasm] so the four girls at our table started doing the math for us.


I had a simple and perfect solution.


Get back our orginal amount of money, and PAY FOR OUR OWN MEALS. Easy as that. I'm nt going to pay part of their food or drink.


After 10 minutes of the most stressful and yet entertaining money math problems I have ever encountered, my plan works (finally).


We head over to CVS with the four girls. All just friends, because I have Bionigirl, Josh isn't really looking, and Tom perfers a different gender if you know what I mean. So we buy the few things we want at CVS. Grabbed me a Pepsi and a pack of Mint Tridents, joke around a little and we take the discussion outside.


Again, I'm not gonna drop Josh. I decide to talk to him more, and then comes the highlight of the night.


12-21 New England!


Sorry, watching the game.


Four girls come arund the corner across the street (walking of course). I'm thinking, 'Funny, I don't know them...'


Apparently everyone else but Josh and I has some relation to them.


The say their hi's and continue walking, but goofing off, so they must be in middle school or something.


But before they get out of earshot I yell, "Hey girl! How's that fine (butt) doing?"


Everyone starts laughing their (butts) off. I had to leave this night with a memory.


Hour later, I've gone to Josh's annex(?) and talked with his parents who are very friendly and fun to be around. Soon after I realize that it was 8:34 PM. I was suppose to leave 34 minutes ago.




I turn on my cell phone (techically my mom's Nextel. My phone commited suicide somehow) call my mom, who tells me that my dad was waiting at Tom's house, so I call him and tell him that I'll be in the Convience Store gettin candy before I leave.


My dad comes in the store before I pay for the candy. Give him the regular hug, considering we don't see each other day by day (even though we saw each other last night watching Cloverfield).


"Let's go? Everyone's in the car waiting."


"Wait, what? You mean Elizabeth and..."


"Yeah. Come on."


I stop him.


"Dad, I can't. Mom wouldn't forgive me."


Dad gave me a strange look, "You don't need to tell her. Keep it a secret."


"No dad. Mom and Karina (my sister) know when I lie. Remember when they ound out I went to the apartment?"


"But you don't need to tell them."


"I never told them. They just looked in my eyes. I promised mom I wouldn't get into the car if her or Gil, or anyone of them were inside."


Dad wasn't happy. He was disappointed.


"Then you're just gonna stay here?"


"Yeah. Might sleep over josh's house or Mom could pick me up..."


After a bit of a silence, my dad says, "Tell your mom I'm tired of playing her game."


Whatever game that is.




He gives me a hug, then leaves.


Josh only hear of the problems with my family through my words, but he got the 'pleasure' of witnessing it.


I explained the problm to him on the way back to his place (techically only 30 yards away) and once p, I called my mom and explained everything.


She picks me up a half-hour later, and tells me she's proud of my decision.


I just feel I took another step into life for choosing by myself.


Then today...










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I'm proud of your choice too, Jon. I've raised you well. :P


But really, what happens in your life defines you, and you just made that defining line a lot bolder.



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Forgiveness to him could be near impossible.


Teebert, God Forbid you ever be in my position someday.


To be near that woman is like taking in the damage done by decades of drinking added to my body every second. And to hear that I'd be related to her kids, like some half-brother sort of way?


Stop where you are Tee.



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I apologize.


And actually, there are times where I wonder if my parents are headed for a divorce.


Edit: Reread some of your older posts, and I'm now with you on your decision.

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