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It Stretches Out With A Gentle Hand And Calmly Strokes Your Face

Kallista ~ Little light


How tempting a state of exhaustion is to fall in. especially when you only had 8hours of sleep over 3 days of complete havoc.

How tempting it beckons me, speaking softly, whispering gently in my ear while calmly wrapping its arm around me with a bittersweet promise of never letting me go.


So Tempting... so dangerous...


Well while I'm still couscous I'll give a small update.

School is going well,

Assignments are turning out great,

I need to have a coffee date with my sister,

I watched a little Star trek the next generation (with Capt. Picard)

I just love Data, he is so funny :D

I'm working on an art trade with a friend on a different sight

and I am in the process of Voicing for two stop motion movies (first is a sequel to the first to which I voiced in, second a newer one that is still in production).


So now I feel myself slipping away...






Lady Ranna




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Then eat more. :P


Hooray for your school work going well. =D And get some sleep already. It's healthy. Seriously.


Okay, have fun with that!

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I wouldn't drink that stuff if I were you. They replace the sugar with chemicals that can erode your teeth some 50 times faster than sandpaper.


If you're tired, sleep more. Its really that simple :P

Of course, it probably isn't...

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Then eat more. :P


Hooray for your school work going well. =D And get some sleep already. It's healthy. Seriously.


Okay, have fun with that!


I already eat like a horse...

My high metabolism doesn't let me gain weight.... so I'm going to try and get more muscle to get heavier....


and Yah I took a nap :)


Lady Ranna



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Muscle is lighter than fat. It'll actually make you skinner.


Trust me, 15 pounds, Summer. I do my research.


*throws 400 pound weight*


Almost forgot.









I wouldn't drink that stuff if I were you. They replace the sugar with chemicals that can erode your teeth some 50 times faster than sandpaper.





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Muscle is lighter than fat. It'll actually make you skinner.


Trust me, 15 pounds, Summer. I do my research.


*throws 400 pound weight*


Uh no you are wrong. Muscle is heavier then fat. Of course you get skinnier, I know that, but I will get heavier because of the muscle weight.


I'm already skinny, now I'm working on becoming Buff!


Lady Ranna



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Yes, but are you 6ft tall :D


<_< no... I'm only 5ft

But everyone else my age or height is SO MUCH heavier then I am... and I don't want them to feel so bad...

This is also a personal goal for me. To get 100lb just so I can say I did it! And If I get really strong in the process then "whoptido!"


Lady Ranna



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