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... Still Here?



Oh. Well. Okay then. I'm not complaining :P .




Though I guess all I can do is relax, sleep well, have a hearty breakfast... I'm not going to be boosting my score any on the final night, so I may as well just go in well rested and wide awake and full of food and energized.


Also, after a year or so with my dragon wallpaper, I've decided to switch, since it was old and doesn't reflect my current skill level. Behold!




New wallpaper! Of course this is less than half the dimensions of the original... because, you know, *hisss* my image no takey >>


I'm still not quite satisfied with the reflections, or the puff of misty breath, but I still have the original vectors, I can fix that some other time...


Anyway, the line is from:


The fog comes

on little cat feet.


It sits looking

over harbor and city

on silent haunches

and then moves on.

--Carl Sandburg


And I've always liked that quote. ^_^


... and that about brings everything back up to date. A busy yet strangely uneventful month. Huh.





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The poem is...is taunting me!!!


Seriously, I would normally enjoy that poem, I did at first, but then I had to write it for Graphic Design, in pen, and you have no idea how many times I had to try to get it right. I even put the wrong letters in places. >_<



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