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Arpyness Quiz



It troo! Dat darn Kahlfin stole my spacechip!


Gritlings. I have assembled a quick little quiz for your enjoyment and my edification. In it, you will note the similarities you share with my personality and life experiences and then post your results in the comments.


If you have:

1. Reenacted The Emperor’s New Groove with your Krana collection

2. Six siblings

3. Created a working pair of tweezers out of Technic

4. Possibly imaginary deep-seated psychological trauma supposedly inflicted by one or more of the following: Barney, Teletubbies, Jar Jar Binks, Ewoks, clowns, and/or bad ‘80s movies

5. Written a blog entry about slime-covered mushrooms

6. Been deemed to have a large vocabulary by at least two people

7. An appreciation for satirical works and parodies

8. A knack for imitating and/or lampooning various movie characters

9. Sung the Lumberjack Song in its entirety at a campout

10. Owned a hairless rat

11. MOCed part of a Weird Al Yankovic song

12. Been known to laugh out loud at weird little coincidences, insights, or random thoughts unrelated to your current situation or situations

13. Imitated a droideka by somersaulting repeatedly across the floor

14. Frequently perplexed and perturbed members of the opposite sex with your weirdness

15. Been called a geek to the point where you consider yourself one whether you are or not

16. Played the Mission: Impossible theme ad infinitum to get psyched for (home)schoolwork

17. Attended at least part of an AFOL Lego event

18. A screen name pronounced in a completely different way than its spelling would suggest

19. A predilection for Mexican food

20. Stayed up perilously late to finish a good book or books

…You just might be a redneck…I mean an Arpy.



0: Why are you even reading this blog? :o

1-5: You’re not Arpy enough that you resemble me much. You could be anyone, really.

6-9: Residual Arpyness. You and your life partially match my personality and experiences, and we certainly have other stuff in common.

10-14: You’re really quite Arpyesque. If I knew you IRL, chances are good you’d be considered a friend.

15-19: You’re uncomfortably close to being an Arpy. You’re not a time-traveling psi-vampire sent to drain my body of its essence and replace me, are you? :fear:

20: Clearly, you are either a compulsive liar or another self from a slightly different slice of the WSOGMM.


So, post what you got on the quiz! However, if you are indeed a psi-vampire, you might not want to alert me, unless you want to make me even more paranoid…but your silence might accomplish the same thing…so, speak up!…or not…


Recommended Comments

1. Reenacted The Emperor’s New Groove with your Krana collection

2. Six siblings

3. Created a working pair of tweezers out of Technic

4. Possibly imaginary deep-seated psychological trauma supposedly inflicted by one or more of the following: Barney, Teletubbies, Jar Jar Binks, Ewoks, clowns, and/or bad ‘80s movies

5. Written a blog entry about slime-covered mushrooms

6. Been deemed to have a large vocabulary by at least two people

7. An appreciation for satirical works and parodies

8. A knack for imitating and/or lampooning various movie characters

9. Sung the Lumberjack Song in its entirety at a campout

10. Owned a hairless rat

11. MOCed part of a Weird Al Yankovic song

12. Been known to laugh out loud at weird little coincidences, insights, or random thoughts unrelated to your current situation or situations

13. Imitated a droideka by somersaulting repeatedly across the floor

14. Frequently perplexed and perturbed members of the opposite sex with your weirdness

15. Been called a geek to the point where you consider yourself one whether you are or not

16. Played the Mission: Impossible theme ad infinitum to get psyched for (home)schoolwork

17. Attended at least part of an AFOL Lego event

18. A screen name pronounced in a completely different way than its spelling would suggest

19. A predilection for Mexican food

20. Stayed up perilously late to finish a good book or books


1. Nope, never seen it, so I can't reenact it.

2. Nope, just one.


....Thank goodness.

3. No, but I did make a pair of glasses!

4. Yes. Teletubbies and clowns are pure evil. Jar Jar is annoying, and my alter-ego finds Ewoks tasty.

5. Never had a blog, so i can't have made an entry about them.

6. Yup.

7. Yes.

8. Yes.

9. on't know the song, never been camping.

10. No, but I have had and do have quite a managerie of pets.

11. Nope.

12. Yes.

13. No.

14. Yes.

15. Yes.

16. No, don't have it on my mp3 player or CD.

17. Never been to a Lego event.

18. Nope.

19. When the mood strikes me.

20. Yes.


My score: 8. I have Residual Arpyness.

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Does this mean Arpy is not pronounced as ar-py?

Hmm, perhaps your name is like party and par-tay?


Am I right, Ar-pay?:P

No, it's spelled "Arpy", but it's pronounced "Throatwobbler Mangrove"...

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Yup, started with a male and female and then they breeded and we kept breeding the rats for a friends snake who eats infant rodent. Most we had at a time were 14. But in total we had way more.

I've always had a fondness for rodents (owned cavia's, hamsters, chincilla's, a ferret and rats). Last one was an albino rat, named Bleach.

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1. Reenacted The Emperor’s New Groove with your Krana collection

2. Six siblings

3. Created a working pair of tweezers out of Technic

4. Possibly imaginary deep-seated psychological trauma supposedly inflicted by one or more of the following: Barney, Teletubbies, Jar Jar Binks, Ewoks, clowns, and/or bad ‘80s movies

5. Written a blog entry about slime-covered mushrooms

6. Been deemed to have a large vocabulary by at least two people

7. An appreciation for satirical works and parodies

8. A knack for imitating and/or lampooning various movie characters

9. Sung the Lumberjack Song in its entirety at a campout

10. Owned a hairless rat

11. MOCed part of a Weird Al Yankovic song

12. Been known to laugh out loud at weird little coincidences, insights, or random thoughts unrelated to your current situation or situations

13. Imitated a droideka by somersaulting repeatedly across the floor

14. Frequently perplexed and perturbed members of the opposite sex with your weirdness

15. Been called a geek to the point where you consider yourself one whether you are or not

16. Played the Mission: Impossible theme ad infinitum to get psyched for (home)schoolwork

17. Attended at least part of an AFOL Lego event

18. A screen name pronounced in a completely different way than its spelling would suggest

19. A predilection for Mexican food

20. Stayed up perilously late to finish a good book or books


1. It's not large enough. :P

2. Um, none?

3. Nope.

4. Barney and teletubbies. *shudders*

5. I'm not premeire.

6. Splendiferous in its multiparametric-ness!

7. And you're saying there are people who don't?

8. Sortakindamaybeyes.

9. No, unfortuneately.

10. No, mom probably won't allow it.

11. Well, yes.


13. Yep.

14. most likely.

15. Yes.

16. I hum it constantly, and it gets me psyched.

17. Nope. Dang.

18. Yes, actually. (Kuh-zay-raz.)

19. Yeah.

20. Yes.


Yay! 13/20!

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I've only had the following:


1. Reenacted The Emperor’s New Groove with your Krana collection

3. Created a working pair of tweezers out of Technic

4. Possibly imaginary deep-seated psychological trauma supposedly inflicted by one or more of the following: Barney, Teletubbies, Jar Jar Binks, Ewoks, clowns, and/or bad ‘80s movies

6. Been deemed to have a large vocabulary by at least two people

7. An appreciation for satirical works and parodies

12. Been known to laugh out loud at weird little coincidences, insights, or random thoughts unrelated to your current situation or situations

13. Imitated a droideka by somersaulting repeatedly across the floor

14. Frequently perplexed and perturbed members of the opposite sex with your weirdness

15. Been called a geek to the point where you consider yourself one whether you are or not

17. Attended at least part of an AFOL Lego event

19. A predilection for Mexican food

20. Stayed up perilously late to finish a good book or books


Yay! I'm quite Arpy-esque! Um, I should be happy about that, right? :unsure:

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1. Reenacted The Emperor’s New Groove with your Krana collection

No, but I now see how you can do that.


2. Six siblings

So close! I have 5.


3. Created a working pair of tweezers out of Technic



4. Possibly imaginary deep-seated psychological trauma supposedly inflicted by one or more of the following: Barney, Teletubbies, Jar Jar Binks, Ewoks, clowns, and/or bad ‘80s movies



5. Written a blog entry about slime-covered mushrooms



6. Been deemed to have a large vocabulary by at least two people



7. An appreciation for satirical works and parodies



8. A knack for imitating and/or lampooning various movie characters



9. Sung the Lumberjack Song in its entirety at a campout



10. Owned a hairless rat



11. MOCed part of a Weird Al Yankovic song



12. Been known to laugh out loud at weird little coincidences, insights, or random thoughts unrelated to your current situation or situations

All the time.


13. Imitated a droideka by somersaulting repeatedly across the floor



14. Frequently perplexed and perturbed members of the opposite sex with your weirdness

Not that I'm aware of...


15. Been called a geek to the point where you consider yourself one whether you are or not



16. Played the Mission: Impossible theme ad infinitum to get psyched for (home)schoolwork



17. Attended at least part of an AFOL Lego event



18. A screen name pronounced in a completely different way than its spelling would suggest



19. A predilection for Mexican food

Yeah, a limited one.


20. Stayed up perilously late to finish a good book or books

Every time!


I'm Residual Arpyness.

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6-9: Residual Arpyness. You and your life partially match my personality and experiences, and we certainly have other stuff in common.




7. An appreciation for satirical works and parodies


12. Been known to laugh out loud at weird little coincidences, insights, or random thoughts unrelated to your current situation or situations


17. Attended at least part of an AFOL Lego event


20. Stayed up perilously late to finish a good book or books



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1. Reenacted The Emperor's New Groove with your Krana collection

2. Six siblings

3. Created a working pair of tweezers out of Technic

4. Possibly imaginary deep-seated psychological trauma supposedly inflicted by one or more of the following: Barney, Teletubbies, Jar Jar Binks, Ewoks, clowns, and/or bad '80s movies

5. Written a blog entry about slime-covered mushrooms

6. Been deemed to have a large vocabulary by at least two people

7. An appreciation for satirical works and parodies

8. A knack for imitating and/or lampooning various movie characters

9. Sung the Lumberjack Song in its entirety at a campout

10. Owned a hairless rat

11. MOCed part of a Weird Al Yankovic song

12. Been known to laugh out loud at weird little coincidences, insights, or random thoughts unrelated to your current situation or situations

13. Imitated a droideka by somersaulting repeatedly across the floor

14. Frequently perplexed and perturbed members of the opposite sex with your weirdness

15. Been called a geek to the point where you consider yourself one whether you are or not

16. Played the Mission: Impossible theme ad infinitum to get psyched for (home)schoolwork

17. Attended at least part of an AFOL Lego event

18. A screen name pronounced in a completely different way than its spelling would suggest

19. A predilection for Mexican food

20. Stayed up perilously late to finish a good book or books

1. Only one scene, ya' know the one where he throws the old man out of his palace for throwing off his groove.

2. I have five siblings, does that count?

3. I made scissors one time.

4. Yep, those teletubbies and barney are soooooo scary!

5. I wish I had a blog.

6. I was deemed to have a small vocabulary. :\

7. Sorta'.

8. Not realy.

9. I only know one line and I said it very often at camps and such. "I''m a lumberjack and I'm okay!"

10. My friend has one but I don't own one. :|

11. Zuh?

12. Nope.

13. No.

14. No.

15. No, I've never been called a geek, I roll with the cool crowd. And by cool crowd I mean the only kids that aren't scared of me at my school.

16. Nope.

17. Nope

18. Nope.

19. Yes.

20. I hate reading! >=O


Simply hate

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3. Created a working pair of tweezers out of Technic

4. Possibly imaginary deep-seated psychological trauma supposedly inflicted by one or more of the following: Barney, Teletubbies, Jar Jar Binks, Ewoks, clowns, and/or bad ‘80s movies

6. Been deemed to have a large vocabulary by at least two people

7. An appreciation for satirical works and parodies

8. A knack for imitating and/or lampooning various movie characters

12. Been known to laugh out loud at weird little coincidences, insights, or random thoughts unrelated to your current situation or situations

14. Frequently perplexed and perturbed members of the opposite sex with your weirdness

15. Been called a geek to the point where you consider yourself one whether you are or not

18. A screen name pronounced in a completely different way than its spelling would suggest


So, yeah, nine. Although anyone with knowledge of the Spanish language could pronounce my name...


With that said, it's the Argentinian pronounciation, with a "J" sound, not a "Y".


Know what else is wierd? I use a "V" sound for V, not "B" as usual in Spanish.

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1. Reenacted The Emperor’s New Groove with your Krana collection


2. Six siblings


3. Created a working pair of tweezers out of Technic


4. Possibly imaginary deep-seated psychological trauma supposedly inflicted by one or more of the following: Barney, Teletubbies, Jar Jar Binks, Ewoks, clowns, and/or bad ‘80s movies


5. Written a blog entry about slime-covered mushrooms


6. Been deemed to have a large vocabulary by at least two people


7. An appreciation for satirical works and parodies


8. A knack for imitating and/or lampooning various movie characters


9. Sung the Lumberjack Song in its entirety at a campout

never have

10. Owned a hairless rat

will never get one

11. MOCed part of a Weird Al Yankovic song

no, but if you have can you pm me the pics

12. Been known to laugh out loud at weird little coincidences, insights, or random thoughts unrelated to your current situation or situations


13. Imitated a droideka by somersaulting repeatedly across the floor


14. Frequently perplexed and perturbed members of the opposite sex with your weirdness

yes, if on bzpoer, no

15. Been called a geek to the point where you consider yourself one whether you are or not


16. Played the Mission: Impossible theme ad infinitum to get psyched for (home)schoolwork


17. Attended at least part of an AFOL Lego event


18. A screen name pronounced in a completely different way than its spelling would suggest


19. A predilection for Mexican food


20. Stayed up perilously late to finish a good book or books



Residual Arpyness. You and your life partially match my personality and experiences, and we certainly have other stuff in common


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3. Unfortunately I have.

4. The Teletubies... *Shudders*

6. My friends nag me about this a lot. That and my use of correct grammar on Im.

7. The best form of entertainment.

8. I do a mean imitation of the Globo Gym Guy from Dodgeball.

11. Drawn part of one... does that count?

12. Obviously.

14. Just once. And I dislike her.

19. It is quite tasty.

20. Harry Potter 7... Pendragon... Keys to the Kingdom and many more.


So... hey. It's a ten.

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4.5. Just so you know, it's not half of a hairless rat.


18. A screen name pronounced in a completely different way than its spelling would suggest


So, yeah, nine. Although anyone with knowledge of the Spanish language could pronounce my name...


With that said, it's the Argentinian pronunciation, with a "J" sound, not a "Y".

I still like "Y" better. Your name though.

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6. Hehe, vocabulary was always one of my favorite subjects.

7. I love sarcasm, and therefore parodies!

13. <_< >_> ...

20. I have spent a whole night reading "just one more chapter" too many times to remember.


I'm Non-Arpy, apparently.

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