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##### Bassai


Wow, everything has been kind of tough lately. :P Always seems that I'm having to deal with impatient and irritable people today, but I think that things are finally toning down. That's good, because sometimes I'm just like, "Wat is wrong with these people?!" xD


But in all seriousness, things aren't too bad. Really, they've been pretty good. I am trying to work on a simplified version of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony on the piano: it's somewhat challenging. Now when I finish that, I think I should try to work on something a little harder though. Going from one piece to another that's more challenging can be hard though, I guess.


You're probably thinking, "This blog entry looks a little...odd." Oh yes, that was on purpose: it seems to be formatted odly. xD Under the sudden relief of some pressure, I've been in a pretty good mood and decided to encode a little secret message in this post. Right, and make sure you PM me if you can find what it is!


For tomorrow, I think I'm going to work a lot on piano. Remember, my LESSON is tomorrow, so I have a good motivation to do so. :P I think that you should all post any instruments you play, it would be fun to find out. Every time that I post something that requires readers to post, though, it seems like that there are no more than three. :P I guess that's better than posting an entry that's simply a commentary on what's been going on lately though...


Now, I guess that's in then. Do make sure you post what instruments you play!




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I play piano, mostly by ear. I don't take lessons though. I usually learn songs by watching which keys someone presses while they play.


I can also play a bit of guitar.

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Well, I've played the trumpet for almost six years now. And I used to play piano, but after a few years I decided that I couldn't do both trumpet and piano, so I chose trumpet. That was a good decision because in high school, there are so many fun events and groups you can join (marching, concert, jazz band) and many different events. Rarely is there a special event or group for pianos, aside from accompanying soloists or playing with the orchestra. Oboes are kind of cool, too -- I tried playing one in junior high, but never really got the hang of it. Clarinets, flutes, piccolos, and all the other extra high woodwinds are just too hard for me to play. Kids in my junior high band seemed to flock to those instruments, and we never really had a complete low brass section, although we came awfully close in my seventh grade year. Some high school bands have hundreds of people, and I'll never know how they do it... this year, we've only got about 40 members, although there will be a lot of incoming freshmen next year.


~Sidorak The Hunter


Try to find the secret message hidden in my comment. :sly:

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Well, I've played the trumpet for almost six years now. And I used to play piano, but after a few years I decided that I couldn't do both trumpet and piano, so I chose trumpet. That was a good decision because in high school, there are so many fun events and groups you can join (marching, concert, jazz band) and many different events. Rarely is there a special event or group for pianos...


~Sidorak The Hunter

...Wait?! You mean that you can't be in a marching band playing Piano?


My dreams are broken!!!!


*Runs off to Sob*



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At least you play flute, Tek, and not piano. :P


Well, I play guitar and piano. My main interest in piano is playing classical music-have you ever played any Mussorgsky or Debussy, Windrider?

Although I've only been playing piano for about six months, so I can't play that much right now. :P I'm currently working on a piece known as "The Clock Sonatina" and a simplified version of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.


As for guitar, I play mostly bluegrass and jazz. Although I am trying to get into classical music for it too.


Oh, and Sidorak Hunter, your secret message is utterly true. And awesome.



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Wow. All this randomness is so, erm, random! This blog entry will go down in history as the most random one in BZPOWER!


Please, don't take me seriously right now. Why would you even consider it? No, not really. So yeah.

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