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Caution: Hot Ashes

Little Miss Krahka


Good evening.


It has come to my attention that at least five people have serious issues with this site, so serious, in fact, that they feel the need to PM me some generic message that they obviously PMed to an unknown number of other people, since they do not even note my name, nor the fact that I am probably the single most ineffectual person you could possibly PM in regards to that.

In fact, the five previous PMs in my inbox are all from five different people I have never heard of in my life saying about how they're going to BRING DOWN THE MAN and overthrow the administrators of BZP through some unknown means.


So, um, you want to start some kind of revolution? ON INTERNETS? AGAINST THE ADMINISTRATORS? WHOA!


While I am always up for a good revolution, I'm kinda picky about which ones I devote my yelling, sign waving, letter writing, pool closing and Molotov cocktail tossing to. Y'know, like the government. Nazis and other assorted white supremacists. That sorta thing. Things in oh my gawds! reality. Offline.


Now, I am vaguely annoyed at some of the rules. For instance, the rule on advertising places me in a very difficult spot for many reasons, and I would like it if there was a coherent policy on whether or not I could post tasteful and non-explicit slash fan fic, preferably allowing it, since it's not that horrible people and because it's dead obvious and is set up for complete awesome.

But that's a ramble for another day. The day that they get a coherent policy on it. Preferably towards allowing it.


But all that aside, what makes you think I can do anything about it?

In case you haven't noticed, my only real distinctions on this site are that I make a lot of bad jokes that a few people find amusing, that I have been a member of this site for about five-some years and still haven't reached 1,000 posts, and that I am prone to taking many lengthy unexplained hiatuses at unpredictable intervals.

And I got Blog of the Week once, but didn't notice it until significantly after I had received it. Because when I did, I was on one of my lengthy unexplained hiatuses.


So if I did the most logical thing that anyone of these people have suggested, and left the site forever, I don't think anyone would really even notice.


"Oh. Krahka's gone on one of her unexplained hiatuses. She'll post a few times in the Currently Listening To thread and then in about, like, five months, she'll post something about she's thinking about entering some contest, or she'll post some random inane image on her blog and mutter something about how busy she is or she'll make a long rambling and completely baseless analysis of characters that she has only read the bionicle.com bios for."


And then I never return. Or I do in about two years for no apparent reason. And nothing really happens to anyone.

Because this is just a website where we can geek out about a particularly cool toy. Not the end of the world and certainly not the Ku Klux Klan.


So, um, could you kindly please stop sending me these things? I appreciate whatever sentiment there is in considering me when you're sending out mass PMs to everyone that you can think of, but it really isn't necessary. Really, it isn't.


Thank you kind folks.










Title unrelated.

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Hey, I never got my pseudo-cyber-revolutionary spam letter! I want to rant against pointless, pretentious, arrogant stupidity, too!


Feeling left out,



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