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Cutting Down

##### Bassai


While I usually dislike complaining(and yes, I see a lot of pointless complaining sometimes), I do want to say I feel like the blogs on BZPower are seriously getting more tight and regulated. It seems like more and more blog entries are getting closed for little offenses.


While I mean no disrespect, I frankly think that the blogs are a place where people can relax and chill some, without having to worry as much about breaking a rule. Of course, I agree with most of these rules on the forums-it would be a nightmare if they weren't there. But in the blogs, perhaps we could do without some.




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The blogs are not a seperate entity from BZPower. Therefore they will be regulated just the same as the forums.


Want us to stop making rules? Then stop giving us reasons to.



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Of course I don't want you to stop making and enforcing rules-I'd leave the site if that happened, because it would be chaos.


But the blogs, while being a part of BZPower, are definitely under some different rules. For example, spam is allowed here, and it's not in the forums. I'm just saying that not nearly as many people have blogs(or for that matter, post in them) than the number of people who make topics and post in the forums-not even close to that amount.



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But the blogs, while being a part of BZPower, are definitely under some different rules. For example, spam is allowed here, and it's not in the forums. I'm just saying that not nearly as many people have blogs(or for that matter, post in them) than the number of people who make topics and post in the forums-not even close to that amount.

Spam is allowed to an -extent-. It is stopped when it pushes the limit.



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But how do you set a limit for spam? If it has extensive guidelines, it ceases to be spam.

Spam can be a few things. Mostly it is an off topic random comment that makes the current subject more like a chatroom.


The spam that isn't tolerated is well, view the closed entries in blogs of noob wannabe members and you will see what I mean.



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So that we know exactly what you're talking about, could you please give us examples of entries which have been closed for "little offences", and/or rules which you consider to be unnecessary?


Also bear in mind that closure of an entry isn't a terribly major punishment, and therefore one which fits a minor offence (depending on what the offence is) - there are other punishments which can be used in the event of a major offence.

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