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To Those Held At A Higher Standard



This entry is devoted to the Staff here, maybe a little reminder for them as well.


You guys, you're over us all on this site. You enforce the law, you keep things running smoothly and correctly, but I find that I feel as if you guys don't understand that alot of BZP members really look up to you. They DO see you as a role model whether you like it or not. You're like the policeguy in the town with the little boy looking up to you, wanting to BE like you. For that reason, don't you think that some of you should hold yourselves at higher standards? Maybe being more careful with the words you say, how you say them, what pictures you have on your maj even.


You guys aren't normal members once your staff, you're Important people that who knows who is looking up to you, wanting to be the "Next you" and that absolutely enjoys YOU. Cause YOU'RE SO COOL. For that reason, don't you think you should interact and be friendly to the people around you? Those people you look up to you?


You guys set the path that some people walk on, how is their life going to be if they follow that path?




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So next time you bring this up, I will find dirt on you and force feed you the same stuff your giving me.


That wasn't a threat. It is a promise. I keep those.


Threats are meaningless and are never fulfilled.



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That wasn't a threat. It is a promise. I keep those.



I have heard that line so many times it's not funny. Call it what you want, it's still a threat. Calling it a promise is just your justification so that it doesn't sound morally wrong.


Then again, morals are pointless.




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Threats are just promises you haven't fulfilled yet.


And the way you spelled "you're" is really great to see in a forum leader. :)

I never said my grammar was perfect. And it has never been officially stated that staff have perfect grammar as well. So if I were you, I would stop getting on my back.



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Guys seriously. No need to beat up Omi.


As I think we have cooled off a bit now, I've unlocked this. Now lets keep it civil everyone :)



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Wow guys.





Seriously, give Omi some respect. I could find a 6 year old boy on the streets that would be more mature than you guys are being right now.


And MAJ isn't BZP, sorry.





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Wow guys.





Seriously, give Omi some respect. I could find a 6 year old boy on the streets that would be more mature than you guys are being right now.


And MAJ isn't BZP, sorry.






No, Maj isn't BZPower. But BZPower doesn't allow forums to be linked to, and guess why? Because(understandably) there could be bad stuff there, that they don't want their younger members exposed to. BZPower doesn't allow IM advertising to forums, and that's two steps away from BZPower: IMs are off of BZPower, and forums are being advertised on them, which are also off of BZPower. But that's not allowed(somewhat understandably). If that's not going to be allowed, I fail to see how a Maj with bad images on it can be allowed to be linked to BZPower.


While I don't mean to be disrespectful, I'm frankly shocked that you "promise harm" to a member with everyone watching. If it really isn't a threat, but a promise, then that doesn't make it better, it makes it worse.


But with that said, I will add that some of you who agree with this blog entry are being overly antagonistic towards Omi, and you guys do need to cut down on that.



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Hi, Sunny. =D


I seriously dont think this entry was against Omi, or anyone for that matter, just reminding the staff that people look up to them -- No reason to start flaming the staff.

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LUKOS HAS A POINT--everyone, I know his comment is reaaalllly long (Not really :P) But he makes a very valid point.


Merriment, thanks ;)


I also do want to say to Omi, about that "Promise" coughcoughthreatcoughcough-, uh, yeah, good luck finding "Dirt on me" ;)



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Now back to the galleries. Who is at fault when viewing them? The person, not the staffer. Remember that everything you click on the internet is at your own discretion, so if you see something you didn't wanna see, then tough luck. Blame yourself, not the person who uploaded it.


soooo why doesn't BZP allow forums to be linked to

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Exo also is making just about the same point Lukos is.


If you can link to your maj that holds some bad images, why can we not link to forums that DON'T even have images of that sort anywhere on the site?



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Sunny, you made a very good point, the staff here are in a high position and are being looked up to. They should be positive role models. I was rather suprised when I saw some images on Omi's maj, some were rather inappropriate.


Omi, you cannot blame someone for going on the maj, its like blaming the person who was googling and found a naked lady for googling in the first place.


I really don't understand why there is the no advertising forums rule. I am a member, and staff, of several other forums (which I happen to find better than BZPhail), I also have also made a few forums myself.

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I would like to comment on some of the issues here because both the blog owner’s statements in the initial posts and the following exchange have brought up meaningful points that are worth addressing,


It is true, I think, that staff are role models. Whether this elevation of status is justified or not is up for debate, but I think few would disagree with the assertion.


When picking staff we try to find individuals who would be worthy of being held as role models. It’s one of the major criteria we look for. I think every staff member in one way or another is worthy of the admiration of the membership body for the benefits they bring both to the site and to the staff team.


To address a matter of concern in the comments, I want to talk about the maj galleries of members and our forum linking rule. I think this is a very valid point. The justification for a forum rule (among other things) is chiefly the need for parents to know that when their children visit BZP, they aren’t going to wander to another site that doesn’t have the same family-friendly rules we try to enforce. I feel the same should be applied to maj galleries, and from here out it will be but with a caveat.


Unlike the forum rule where linking to any forum is forbidden, all maj galleries are presumed to be okay. If BZP admins receive a complaint about the content of a maj gallery, the claim will be investigated and if the admin agrees it is repugnant, then the owner of the gallery will be asked to remove the offending content. He is free to refuse, but at that point his gallery will be added to the word filter and any attempt to get around the filter will be met with normal penalties for attempting to bypass the filter. This rule applied to all staff and members, of course.


I don’t view this as a new policy, but rather I see it as an extension of our existing policies that are evolving because the technology that supports BZP is changing.


This serves as a great example of how our blogs have helped improve the quality of the site. The extra level of discourse they allow provides for meaningful discussion that simply don't fit within the context of the forum. Thanks again for bringing this up.




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