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shuffle shuffle, poke, ouch. Jalina sighed, she would rather be home reading harry potter and the goblet of fire for the umpteenth time, she has been delivered to the high school at nine in the morning to make pizza. she. and most of her class was standing in line to make pizzas the number depending on the orders they recived.

Jalina glanced at her order as she recived two pizza crusts from a classmate who had finished his pizzas. she needed a pepperoni and a canadian bacon, and cheese to cover the sauce. she went down the line, and placed the toppings with utmost care on the crust, then watched as they were wrapped in plastic for dilevery. as a 6th grader put item in the appropriate piles, she tossed her old gloves, picked up new ones, then went to the back of the line. while she waited, she hummed a bit of a tune that she had heard only that morning.

Pizza angel, please come to me!

Tomato sauce and cheese so gooey!

Pizza angel, i'm on my knees!

You're my favorite pie from sicily!


Jalina smiled. in her opinion, nothing passsed the time better then a silly song from Big Idea.


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