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♥ I Can't See Out My Windows! ♥



So I woke this morning at 6:15, as usual, and run down to look outside.


No snow. :(


So I go to look at the TV stations to see if my school will be closed.


I don't see it.


So I go check the website that tells if my school is closed.


School's closed.


At this point, I run around my house screaming that my mom can go back to bed.


Ironic, no? :P


But there's still no snow. I mean, it snowed an inch last night, but there was nothing on the ground. I was so confused.


So I go back to sleep, and I'm dozing on and off for a bit, but then I finally fell back into slumber.


Now, my sister, her name's Kitty, she's sick, so she actually drove home and started throwing up in the toilet, which woke me up. Lol.


So it's 8:40, and I sit up, and look out the window (which is right next to my bed).




Snow is falling so hard and so fast, I literally am snow bound right now. :D


I'm so happy! Lol.


So I'll be around all day today, drop me a message.


Oh, also, Turakii suggested a new idea for my blog. It'll be made an entry later. B)




Edit: Also, how's this color? I'm thinking of switching to it for at least a few weeks. I've decided that every so often, I'll just completely change colors for a little while. Like I did during Christmas.




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I hope your sister feels better soon. :(


Anyways....what do you think the odds are of all that snow coming into the next state? *wants snow badly*

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You in Indiana, or whatever's to the left of Illinois (ain't that Ohio or something? :P). I know Indiana's getting slightly hit by the storm, but it mostly won't leave Illinois's Chicago area.



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What" It won't leave the Chicago area? Curses! *shakes fist at the clouds*


Edit: Hey, I just noticed that you've got two quotes from me on your wall of quotes thingymabob...and both of them have the :P emoticon...wow.


And I like the new color, its darker than the other blue, so I don't have to highlight everything to read what you say.

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