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Excelling A Saga



So I'm hoping I can find a way to watch an entire anime series in one weekend. But I have homework, a service project, and a WAMALUG meeting to worry about, much less sleep and cooking my meals.


I figure 3 hours Friday night and 5 on Saturday night should do it.

(I hope you can figure out the anime based on the entry title.)


-CF :miru:


Quote of the Day: "When I get a Mew, I'm going to name it Optimus, because it can learn TRANSFORM and ROLLOUT."


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FLCL > Excel Saga.


I've never gotten a chance to watch that show...It's a pain to navigate all of the sites to find the downloads.


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*HAsn't even read topic yet*

Let me guess. You either finished, or are still in the process of watching Excell Saga.


EDIT: Ouran Hish School Host Club > Excell Saga

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*HAsn't even read topic yet*

Let me guess. You either finished, or are still in the process of watching Excell Saga.


EDIT: Ouran Hish School Host Club > Excell Saga

I really want to see some more of that. I saw the first two episodes a while ago.



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Ah, I read the manga too, although after I watched the anime. I prefered the anime over the manga though. It was just plain hilarious, with quirky characters and an awesomely twisted storyline.

I mean, one of my favorite characters isn't even in the manga spare a quick cameo.

And it's only 6 episodes, easy to fit into a weekend. :D


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And it's only 6 episodes, easy to fit into a weekend. :D


Wait, Host Club only has 6 episodes?



Nah, just FLCL.

I know absolutely nothing about Host Club. Although, it sounds interesting. I'll have to watch it after I finish Fullmetal Alchemist.

EDIT- Forgot my font. ^_^


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Wait, Host Club only has 6 episodes?



Nah, just FLCL.

I know absolutely nothing about Host Club. Although, it sounds interesting. I'll have to watch it after I finish Fullmetal Alchemist.

EDIT- Forgot my font. ^_^


I think I'll have to watch FLCL soon! Well, late, because I never find time to be alone and watch anime online.


Two of my friends both have the FMA full season, so I'll have to borrow that from them soon before the school year is over. And I want to watch some more stuff.



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Trust me, you won't regret it. The show didn't win so many awards cause it was terrible. :D

Lucky. I have to resort to the internet to watch stuff, which usually means surfing through many annoying sites. Although, my one friend has a huge amount of manga, so I read that some times.

Oh, and just as a random question, do you happen to know where/when Brickfest will be this year? I'm hoping to attend all 3 days if it's semi-close to where I live. (Like, as in a state or so away.)


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Trust me, you won't regret it. The show didn't win so many awards cause it was terrible. :D

Lucky. I have to resort to the internet to watch stuff, which usually means surfing through many annoying sites. Although, my one friend has a huge amount of manga, so I read that some times.

Oh, and just as a random question, do you happen to know where/when Brickfest will be this year? I'm hoping to attend all 3 days if it's semi-close to where I live. (Like, as in a state or so away.)


BrickFest this year is actually BrickFair. The BrickFest lady never got around to telling the local LUG (WAMALUG, I'm part of it) plans for BrickFest, so they made their own Lego con before they couldn't reserve a hotel or people already bought plane tickets to BrickWorld in Chicago.

BrickFair will be Labor Day weekend. More details on the website.

I don't know if he's a full member yet, but member ToddWebb is running the thing, if you feel like sending him a PM if you can.


I buy some of my manga, but the library is great for those too, if they have the series I want. I get my Bleach, FMA, and Tsubasa from there.



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