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Tonight was our final basketball game (;.;). As one of my three or four primary social outlets, I'm going to miss these. I wasn't actually able to sit with the more social people, but alone with one other saxophone player (who isn't particularly my favorite person, but she's okay). Fortunately, one of her friends (1 year younger than me) sat above us.


I knew bringing a (terribly outdated, btw) book on astronomy would probably get the usual "You do that for fun?" "Yes." "You're sure that's not your homework?", and perhaps the occasional weirdo look, but I didn't actually expect someone to read the book (more like look at the pictures, considering the timeframe). So yeah, I had a nice evening with the person's friends.


Too bad she is in no way connected to my other outlets.


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I get that weirdo look all the time. It's fun. So I associate myself with others that are crazy like me, and aren't afraid to admit it.


Astronomy's cool, BTW.



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But next thing you know, she's everyone. By your locker, passing you in the hall, downtown, at the mall, in traffic, EVERYWHERE.


It sucks acknowledging one's existance when you indirectly became 'friends' per say.


It sucks less when you grow older, but switching schools?




@CF: I balanced it out in my old school. In this new school... You got the Hood, South of the Border, and white people. Thats it. Much better than my old school.



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Oh I know, I often even rate the weirdo looks I get. Like, "Woah that one was a 10!" Or "Hm, this person could use some practice."


She's everyone, A-A? I think you might mean everywhere. :P Not really much traffic here. No mall, but there are a few stores. I'm homeschooled, which is why games are one of my four main outlets.

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It's sickening how fast Astronomy books get outdated. I have a massive astronomy book called "Universe" that was released in 2004-2005, and it's already slightly out of date.

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I like to give the weirdo look. :P


Aww, how sweet though! How long have you been interested in astronomy?

Quite a while actually. I suppose it's always been there in the back of my mind (and surfacing every now and then) since I was young. I think this recent surfacing started when I first read Argetlam's blog.


It's sickening how fast Astronomy books get outdated. I have a massive astronomy book called "Universe" that was released in 2004-2005, and it's already slightly out of date.

It's nice for looking long-known facts up when I can't get on the internet though.




For your interest in astronomy. :P


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It's sickening how fast Astronomy books get outdated. I have a massive astronomy book called "Universe" that was released in 2004-2005, and it's already slightly out of date.

Like Pluto....



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Too bad she is in no way connected to my other outlets.

Yeah, not being able to stay in contact with people I'd like to get to know better is possibly the only thing I don't like about homeschooling.


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