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My Interesting Day

Toa Lhikan Hordika


Well, today was pretty much cleaning. My sisters aren't very organized with our DVDs and VHSs so I took the liberty of making sure everything was put away and back in alphabetical order like they should be.


After a hectic day of cleaning and mowing the lawn as well, I came inside and celebrated having the 21 sets that Greg was talking about in his 2006 Sets topic in the Sets Forum. In my room, on my desk, I proudly displayed 6 Voyaran, 6 Piraka (can't wait to find out what their species name is), 6 Toa Inika, 1 Axonn, 1 Brutaka, and 1 Vezon & Fenrakk. I also had Irnakk in the group as well. 22 down 2 to go (Umbra, Vezon & Kardas) is all I can say.


I think that I failed to mention this, a week ago on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, my brain would not shut down. So, I went into the kitchen, grabbed some dusting spray and carpet cleaner. I then began to clean my room from top to bottom. My room is always organized, but I'm not the best with keeping up with dusting and the only time I clean my carpet is when I vacuum. I went through my clothes, shoes, old school books that I didn't need anymore, and magazines (GamePro, Electronic Gaming, Nickelodeon, Reader's Digest (which I keep all of them), Breakaway, and LEGO). After I was done, my room was sooo clean, I swear, you could smell it. Well actually you could smell it because the smell of dusting spray lingered.


Other than that, I believe that I have to work tommorrow and that's about it for now folks.


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