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A Foolish Customer



Normally, I would never get angry with a customer, except this one time, I did. However, I didn't show my emotions, something which I am quite good at...


This customer wanted minutes added to his Tracfone which is something I know nothing about, I only know what is on the packaging. (Cell Phones are actually a part of the Connection Center Department.) I told him I didn't know how, yet I took a look at it and gave a try. Well it didn't really work, so the customer got angry at me for something that technically I nor the other associates have to do. Even when there is a Connection Center Associate technically they don't have to do it either. We do it because of courtesy. Said customer doesn't understand this. And he is going to -report- me to the district manager.


However, nothing can be done, due to the fact that we aren't required to know how to do it, as we do it out of courtesy. Inside I was laughing at him.


Of course the customer was very rude about it too, he didn't seem to understand the fact that we aren't slaves. This is the first time a customer has really gotten under my skin for being so ignorant.


So that was the only bad thing. I had a good day though, I can't say why just yet. Those are secrets which I hope to reveal next week. :P




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Just because our store sells it doesn't mean we're experts on it. XD Someone came in yesterday with a Tracfone, trying to get the minutes he put on his broken phone back. The manager had me take the broken phone back, but of course we can't do anything about the minutes. We don't make the stupid phone. He accused us of "robbing him of hundreds of dollars!" I'm glad the manager lets us defend ourselves a little when customers are flat-out unfair: "I'm sorry sir, we don't make the phone or give-out the minutes. I don't work for Tracfone."


This will amuse you, but I felt like a retard. XP This guy didn't speak English very good, and at first he came up to the Service Desk, wanting me to put minutes on his phone, from the card he just bought. I was like, fine, maybe he doesn't get it, but his phone died right after I dialed the number. "Uh, sorry, I can't do that with your phone, the battery's dead."

"No! Not dead! Phone works!"

"No, it won't turn on."

"No, it work!" *plus a little Spanish came out*

By then I had a couple customers, with a real problems, waiting in line. "You can call from another phone. Use our phone, here. On the back here, it shows you what to do, in Spanish. It's easy; I do it all the time with my phone."

He didn't even read it. Maybe he can't read. All of a sudden he changed his problem; he wants to return the card. Well, I know sure as heck we can't do that. "No, sorry, I can't. You have to keep it."



"No, I return."

NOOOOOO DARNIT. I wanted to say that. He wandered back to Electronics, where he bought the thing, and apparently gave its associate a hard time. The associate finally succeeded in sending him back to me, but by then my manager had come up to help me with the closing hour. The man's story changed again. He remembered another day he'd bought a card there, and the Electronics worker let him return it. The manager got a little rough and sent him packing.

"You know he was drunk, right? I could tell," she told me. Graaggh!! I didn't even smell it.


I love retail! :wacko:

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