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♥ Ask Taki #1 ♥



So, this is the first week of Ask ♥TAKi♥! I got a lot of questions, so I'll answer them, and then I'll be adding them to the new content block, along with my answers. ^_^




Tum te tum tum...I guess I do have a few questions for the blog-thingy....


1.What got you interested in Bionicle?

2.When did you get interested in Bionicle?

3.Same as above two, just for Code Lyoko.

4. When did you discover BZP and why'd you join it?

5. Do you like the current Bionicle sets and storyline?

6. ARE you from another planet and empowered by our yellow sun? You never answered the first time. :angry: :P

7. What's your favorite TV show?

8. What's your favorite book?



*looks back at list* Think that's enough questions? :huh:


Yes, it is quite enough, I think. :P I'll answer these in order.


1) A long time ago, back in 2001, I used to do farm-related things with a group called 4-H. Some of our friends there were close to my older sister Kitty, who was involved in the club as well. But one time, our friend who was about 14 at the time came over, and he had Lewa and Onua. And he was showing them off. and I took the masks off, and he got mad, because he was like, "Those are really hard to put back on!" But I just snapped it back in place. :lol: And from that point, I wanted to try and get more Bionicles than him (which I succeeded in doing :D). But I haven't seen him in years. I merely collect and follow the story because I like it. ^_^


2) 2001, pretty much just read answer 1 again. :P


3) I got into Code Lyoko when I randomly saw the ending of a few episodes of the show, and then one time caught a full episode (this was back in season one, mind you). And I managed to catch a marathon of it, and I thought it was the coolest show ever. And then, the season one finale aired in the marathon, and I totally thought that was the end of the show, and I was so sad I cried! :lol: So when I found out that wasn't the end of it, of course I was hooked. Lol. So, it was the summer of 2004, considering that the show started in the fall of the year before I got into it. :)


4) I origianlly discovered BZP in 2004, I'd say right about when the 2005 set images surfaced. I had been linked there from BIONICLE.com. Lol. I joined twice. The first time, it never went through, so I got tired. But then I saw that there were cool discussions going on, and I wanted to be a part of them, so I rejoined again in 2005, and I've been here ever since. :D


5) Now, that's a hard question. I do like the new Bionicle sets, I won't deny it. But I dislike them somewhat. I mean, what makes me like a set 100% is when I see it, not have a clue what the storyline around it is, and I immediately fall in love with it. And I haven't had that feeling since the Piraka and Toa Inika. To me, that was truly the last "great" year of Bionicle (because it was the last real year of carefree childhood I had before becoming a teenager). So, I think the sets are pretty good, but not like the sets of old (2001, 2002, 2003, and 2006). However, I love the storyline. Even if I stopped buying the sets finally, I'll always follow Bionicle's storyline. It's just hypnotic in a way that draws you in like no other. It's unique, special, crafted with care. I love the direction it's taken, since I like things where I can be involved, and be proud to have knowledge from the story's past so I can bring it into play when needed.


6) So, to the alien question. I am from another planet. However, not Krypton. I am not powered by our yellow sun, and my arch-nemesis is not a bald businessman. I actually have a whole day-dream that, to this very moment, is a story in progress about a planet called Train, and its evil version Moldar. And there are these little crystals and all this cool stuff...*voice fades away to the shadows*


7) Favorite TV show is tied between a few, but I'd go for Chuck, currently. If not that, then Supernatural, Smallville, Reaper, The O.C., That 70s Show, Boy Meets World, or Code Lyoko


8) I don't really have a favorite book, but it might by The Messenger, by Lowis Lowry (sp?).


First of all, how's are you doing? Why do you have hearts in your name and did you just copy and paste those or do you have one of those key boards? I do. ♥


1) I'ms doings fines. How's ares yous? :P (Couldn't resist. Tee hee.)

2) I have hearts in my name for the most amazing and unbelievable reason in the entire known universe: I like hearts.

3) I actually put them there. Same like I put in here the ♫'s and this bowtie: ►◄


If you could be a staff member, and had the chance to choose with position to fill, what would it be?


If I had the chance, I'd like to be a Reference Keeper. Mostly because I envy TLH, and he's one of my best friends, but also because I think I'd like to earn my way up the ranks, not just cheat into one of the positions.


Well, that's all for this week's edition of Ask ♥TAKi♥! Send in your questions for next week. But not just about me, I'll help with your personal issues that you wouldn't mind having mentioned in my blog. Remember, all identities will remain Anonymous unless you don't want it to be Anonymous. That's my promise to you.


Send 'em in!




Recommended Comments

1/2. Neat.


3. Hm, I got hooked through the theme song, mid Season 2. I had turned on the TV for Stargate, and was waiting for the other program to finish, so I flicked down a channel to Cartoon Network, and there was the most awesome-sounding theme song I'd ever heard. I soon made it my mission to listen to it every afternoon, then I talked my Mom into watching it with me to see if it was an acceptable program for viewing.


4. Interesting...I had to resend the confirmation email, like, six times before it finally got through.


5. I have to agree. The Phantoka Nuva aren't really my favorite sets. Too much gray, but still, I find them preferable to most older canister sets. Can't say anything about the Makuta, don't have any yet. And I agree completely on the storyline.


6. So you are from another planet...*goes to contact the FBI* :P


7. Chuck..ain't that the one where the guy gets all the governments secrets downloaded into his brain?


8. Hm, don't think I've heard of that. Lowis Lowry rings a bell, though. Can't think where, but it does.


Well, this is certainly a fun little feature Taki. :D

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Lowis Lowry also wrote The Giver and Gathering Blue, if either of those ring a bell.


And yes, it is a neat feature, isn't it? ^_^



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