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Finishing The Test Drive



Remember this?

If not, I asked to "test drive" some member's blogs. I now present the results:


I looked at the blogs of Jack_Skellington, Air-Master, Nukora, Master Vahi, and Arch-Angel.


First, all five members get this. I quite enjoyed your blogs, and they were all different. I'll definitely be popping into each to see the new entries.


Jack_Skellington: His blog is...random. His thought process is everywhere and it is quite an enjoyable read. It also isn't hard, as all the entries are short. ('cept maybe that Vamprah review. That's OK though.) I would suggest only having content blocks on one side, but his entries are small enough it's OK.


Air-Master: He doesn't blog as often, but I did enjoy reading his entries. He recently had a caption contest, which was quite fun. You should check it out. (I won 2nd place.) His other entries are also fun and interesting. I think I'd compare his blog to mine, as we both like to have fun in our entries but they are more geared toward some seriousness to get a point across. (So if you like my blog check out his.)


Nukora: The blog of a staffie. These are always interesting. His is geared on his life (as is any blog) and is a great way to get to know him. (Though he wouldn't mind a PM now and then.) It was fun reading this blog (more than I usually do) and it made a staff member not seem so distant. He even liked my idea of looking exclusively at other blogs.


Master Vahi: Doesn't update as often as Jack or Nukora, but is interesting none-the-less. Life and fun, just the random/usual blog stuff. It's fun to get into his head too. (As is everyone's blog.) (If he posted more I'd be able to say more. Just another reason to blog. This is a good blog though.)


Arch-Angel: This blog is probably more serious than mine. Honestly, I'm surprised at how deep and emotional he is going into his life and head. But his entries have a point and are worth a read because they matter. He does have fun though, and that's what I like.



Finally, I'm adding you all to my "Cool Members" content block and links to your blogs. Keep up the blogging guys!


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: In the criminal justice system, there are 2 major groups: The police, and the bakers who make donuts for them.


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Thanks CF. I perfer to stand out of the typical blog style and actually use my blog as a way to vent my mind.


Hoping to send this money order to Jon Reddick ASAP...



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*slaps CF with a bowl of sugary cereal*

You didn't give ME one!

Oh wait... I didn't enter this... and I already have your approval...



You didn't see anything!

There IS no signoff!
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Does this mean that they're in your "pinned"/favourites section for good-ish?


Yes, A-A, get that money in. It would be a while before I'd be able to pay it for you.

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Does this mean that they're in your "pinned"/favourites section for good-ish?


Yes, A-A, get that money in. It would be a while before I'd be able to pay it for you.

Don't tell A-A or MV, but they aren't staying on my fav's list in front of all the other blogs.


(Sorry guys. :( )


I like yours enough, Nukora, to keep it.



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I've had more tragic things happen in my life for that to bother me, CF. ;) (You would knw, you read my blog)


*is impatient with the snail mail*


I think I messed up the money order somehow... Who knows...



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