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A Fire In The Night

Schizo Kaita


Yesterday evening I went to have our Scouting camp certificiate approved and signed by the District Chief. There were a bunch of other troop leaders, so afterwards we went to our Scouting grounds and built a little campfire. It had been ages since we'd done this: it used to be a Summer tradition, we'd do this at least once a week, but it's really declined since then. In any case, it was fun to sit around the fire while the sky darkened (and lightened again), talking, laughing, having a few brewskis... Went home at three in the morning, listened to some Pinback on my headphones till I fell asleep... Ultimate relaxation.



New ideas for the Quarters, too. I'll be switching the categories box with a custom one using banners, somewhat in the style of the side banner. I think I'll also add a thin entry-wide banner at the top of each entry to make up for the lack of horizontal custom blocks.




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