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*head Implodes*



First off, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull FTW.


This term was supposed to be extremely easy with advanced choir, team sports, Graphic design, and English. The only actual 'intellectual' class I have, quite obviously, being English. Little did I know that there would be easier work, yet much more in quantity.


And now my head is going to implode again seeing as I just got another "you need to go to college or you fail at life/you need a 4.5 GPA and/or Oodles of cash lying around to get into college" lectures for all four of my classes today.


But still, I'm much better off this term than my last by a huge amount.


My heart defect, strangely enough, hasn't acted up in Team Sports yet. I suppose I am glad for that.


Oh, and the Sadie Hawkins dance for my school is tomorrow. I'm not going. The only thing that has actually gotten me to a dance is when I was asked (Two times too many) or when I had a girlfriend (Once again, too many times). Instead, I am going with some of my friends that aren't going to said dance to go bowling. Quite a bit more enjoyable, in my opinion. =P


Oh, and my Graphic design class seems to be soaking up any inspiration for my "art" stuffs. That, and the fact that I have been drawing a Crucible comic for English. It's proving quite a bit more work than I had anticipated...


Oh well. If you are still reading this: You seriously need something better to do. =P


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I do not! :angry:




Have fun bowling and drawing and imploding and running around and eating bacon! But not dancing, since you're not going to do it anyways, so it wouldn't really matter if you had fun not doing it or not...


I shouldn't commenting on blogs so early in the morning... :blink:




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School dances are a waste of time. :P


I had a Graphic Design class too. It was pretty fun, except I wish we had studied more of Paint.NET.



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