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After looking at wonderfully clear photos of the Mistika on another website...let's go through them one by one, shall we?



Gorast - lime and black colour scheme is quite nice, if a little too similar to Mutran and Vican. However, the bley torso spoils this, as do the bley Hordika necks at his ankles. These parts in black, or even lime, would look fine. The silver claws are a bit odd though, as his other claws are all black and lime. The orange Bohrok eyes are fine. His wings seem to be transparent, which is also fine.


Right then, to his actual build. The new head and claws are pretty good, and the six-limb design is ok. However, he uses the new Matoran limbs - oh dear. This sacrafices no less than six potential points of articulation, and they don't look terribly good either. I'd prefer it if his wings were attached to his back, as they look a bit odd coming out of his arms. I can't really say that he comes with any particularly interesting parts, apart from the claws and head, as we've seen pretty much all of the others before. His wings look interesting, yes, but I can't see them being very versatile in MOCs.


Bitil - is that...yellow? Nice yellow! Yellow and black, very waspish, which is obviously nice. The silver wouldn't look out of place, but there's so much of it - giant weapons, huge silver wings, claws, blades on his legs...too much silver. The red barbs on his arms are a bit odd, but don't look too bad. And again, orange Bohrok eyes - like we haven't seen those before. Yawn. I think in his case, red would look nicer, at least to match the barbs.

Build-wise, he's passable. Black Matoran body, standard limbs, with two extra limbs holding wing pieces...standard stuff. Nothing impressive. His pieces, though...nice. Yellow Rahkshi legs, yellow Slizer legs, and that awesome head with the mandibles. Nice. The giant wings would make pretty good armour, and his weapons might get some interesting use as staffs or something. The blades on his legs are totally confusing, though. They don't seem to serve any purpose at all, unless he's going to land on his enemies and poke them to death with his thighs.


Krika - OMG. That is the most inspiring Bionicle set in ages. He just rocks, totally. Gorgeous white and black with red accents, even down to his beady little red eyes. The colour grouping could be stricter, especially around the torso, but it still works. His weapons and head seem to be transparent and red, or they could be white and red, but they look more transparent.


Now then, what on Karda Nui is going on with his design? It's awesomely bizarre. As Bonesiii would say, 'ruthlessly elegant'. He echoes Vamprah, which is cool, with his bladed legs and all-fours stance. The new spikes weapons are cool, and that head - it's elongated, freaky, very 'Alien', and those sunken eyes scream 'Rawr!' at you. Or something like that. My only compaint is the use of Matoran limbs. I don't want them. I want him to have boring old, yet functional, sockets and Rahkshi limbs, probably. I am going to make a revamp of him. Yes. I promise.

Toa Nuva


Tahu - dark red, silver, and black? sounds good, but looks jaw-droppingly boring. Especially on Tahu, after his nice orange. Oh well. The blue pins kill any sense of niceness, as usual. And goodness me, what a lot of pins. Loads. If those are actually silver Piraka legs, they're pretty neat. Metru armour in silver - yawn. Dark red Inika feet? Have we seen those before? And dark red double sockets? They might be vaguely useful.


Build-wise, I shuddered when I saw him. Clutter, clutter, and more clutter. He's got fins and jets and Mata Nui knows what else sticking out everywhere, which isn't terribly nice. His mask is cool. It's not a Hau, right. However, it looks pretty cool. Flat, yes. A bit plain, yes. But...ok, I don't like it. And the Triple Spinny Bladed Shield of Certain Doom? What's that all about? He's a ninja, by the looks of his mask, so give him a nice katana with a flamey motif. Thanks Lego. I try to like him, but...I really don't.

Gali - Oh. Silver and dark blue? That's...that's actually ok. Silver Inika legs? Sweet. Silver Metru feet? Ok. More silver Inika amour? I won't say no. Silver Spikey Armour of Doom? It's nice, yes, but it doesn't fit her streamlined appearance. A giant silver plate on her back? Eh? Maybe she uses it as a shield, and it's stored there temporarily? Possibly. Dark blue sockets are nice. I don't actually have any problems with this colour scheme. Nope. She's interesting in that she's silver with blue accents. She's the first silver Toa, ok? Be nice to her.


But then, oh dear. The legs, I can deal with. The rocket ankles, get rid of them. The shoulder armour? No. Streamlined, please. Backwards Piraka body? Boring. Add some Hordika armour on the front, it fits perfectly. Not very feminine, but better than nothing. But...that mask? DO NOT WANT. Take it away, Lego. Take it away and melt it down, then ask somebody to make a mask that doesn't look like Vezok fell into a bowl of acidic custard and melted one of his eyes, then jabbed two knives into his head in a fit of self-harm. Please Lego. You make this so...difficult.


Onua - guess what? His colour scheme is the same! Black, dark grey (albeit bley) and silver! Yay! No...wait...red? Bright..red...rockets? No! Just get rid of them, they aren't necessary, they'd better either leave or change colour. I can't see his torso, so I can't comment on that, but it looks to be black, silver, and bley. Meh.


He just...isn't. No. He's tall and spindly, with armour inconveniently located everywhere, rockets sticking out of his legs, a big silver...thing, could be a sheild, might not be. His mask, however - nice. Nice, angular, wide mask. Not very Onua-ish, but that can only be a good thing, as I hated the Pakari Nuva. Hey, I hated all of the Nuva masks. And I hate Onua Nuva Mistika. I'm sorry, but Lego makes it so difficult. Why can't they take a nice Toa design and not clutter it with rockets and backwards armour? Why?

Well, there you go. Seran's thoughts. Lots of them. Next time, the Titans/Warriors/Big Sets/Whatever. And the weapons, btw. Ok?


If you have any thoughts regarding my thoughts, or any thoughts that you think you ought to share, or think you've got some thoughts that you think could be thought-provoking, don't hesitate to comment.




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Keep in mind, these are indeed prototypes, so I would assume some of the color differences (i.e. Gorasts Bley body and Onua's Red Boosters) would be eliminated for the final versions. Regardless, I'm not too big a fan of the Toa, but the Makuta are looking nice. I do sincerely hope that's actual yellow. I would love that so much.
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I like the title of this entry. And quite agree with most of its content, though you neglected to mention one thing: Onua, strongest of the Toa, has the thinnest, spindliest limbs and feet (and body, from what I can see) available. :annoyed2:


I would love it if these actually were prototypes, but since none of the past few years' Toyfair sets have changed beyond the slightest typical-of-prototype things being fixed (i.e. Vezon's dark grey Ignika, Maxilos's dark grey armor), I see no reason these will...

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I love all the bodies for the Nuva (Onua's got his gangly arms back!), but dislike the masks. I had so hoped for the Matoran masks... What we got is good, but the Matoran masks would have been so much better (and were so much easier to draw as Nuva masks...).


But, as the above poster comments, these are prototypes. Remember the "Toa Igniters" of ToyFair 2006 (smiley Jaller! :) )? I anticipate that the masks will improve, though I've lost much hope in my theory on the masks (waaaah... :cry:).


The riders of the vehicles had better be temporary, 'cuz as of yet they're pretty pointless. Why make a new mask for a Lewa clone, a random Matoran on a relatively small set, or an arbitrary red dude?


Granted, the new masks aren't all bad. Takanuva's mask, like the rest of him, is totally made of win. :D


I suppose I'm expecting a tad too much. I anticipated more finalized versions of the sets than were leaked *admits to looking at leaked pics*, but I guess that wasn't a smart decision at this stage.


Also, you beat me to the name Mistake-a. I was waiting to see who would use it first (and am glad to see it is someone respectable who doesn't use it as an agent of flame), but after seeing the witless term "Nooba" used to describe them I decided it would be better to post it myself.


EDIT: ToM, are you forgetting Onua Mata's arms entirely?

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EDIT: ToM, are you forgetting Onua Mata's arms entirely?

Onua Mata's weren't any spindlier than any others' – in fact, they were bulkier that Lewa and Kopaka's left arms... anyway, since this is supposed to be Onua Nuva, I would have thought it would follow the bulky-looking arms he had then. Not that Bohrok limbs are especially bulky in and of themselves, but coupled with his hunch and shoulders they gave the apperance of being strong. And at any rate, now that limbs actually can be built to suit a specific look, I'd just have thought that the strongest of the Toa would get the bulkiest pieces, as opposed to the some of the longest and definitely the spindliest. It just makes sense...


*notices that this is going exactly the same way as every other discussion they've had about 2008 Nuva has*

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What a mistake-a to make-a.

*Wonders who knows where that is from*


I want to shoot the current designers for the sets. I seriously and whole-heartedly wish to do so.

Why must they continue to use Piraka torsos? Yes, perhaps they just used it for the prototypes. But if I see it in the final sets, I will just buy the pieces I want from the set on-line. It's just being re-used too much for a piece of that size. The designers are just lazy.


To me, these are not sets. Just a bunch of new parts slapped on older parts, placed in a mixer and tossed down a waterfall.

None of the nuva have been able to look like there '03 counterparts. Some don't even have the same colors so go figure.


The Makuta Phantoka seemed to be a good start since they looked alright, but these Makuta Mistika do a much worse job.

Their projectiles are too unlikely again. People do not carry along guns bigger than their heads if they are semi-automatic ones.


And Takanuva... words do not describe the Fail of that set at representing a being of Shadow and Light. It just doesen't work. And the torso, oh the torso. Flat and box-shaped.


Only Krika seems to be meet up to my standards right now but the colors need a bit more work. The new white spiked pieces need be less transparent white.

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I agree with you in most places, but I don't think I'd be quite so harsh.

You had better not bash the vehicles and Takanuva. If you do I'll kill you with sharpened Ussals.

There IS no signoff!

On Bitil's leg spikes: Go look at a bug. Most insects have these, although they are generally smaller in proportion.
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EDIT: ToM, are you forgetting Onua Mata's arms entirely?

Onua Mata's weren't any spindlier than any others' – in fact, they were bulkier that Lewa and Kopaka's left arms... anyway, since this is supposed to be Onua Nuva, I would have thought it would follow the bulky-looking arms he had then. Not that Bohrok limbs are especially bulky in and of themselves, but coupled with his hunch and shoulders they gave the apperance of being strong. And at any rate, now that limbs actually can be built to suit a specific look, I'd just have thought that the strongest of the Toa would get the bulkiest pieces, as opposed to the some of the longest and definitely the spindliest. It just makes sense...


*notices that this is going exactly the same way as every other discussion they've had about 2008 Nuva has*

Is it? I just feel personally that ever since Onua Nuva the type of arms Onua dons has been arbitrary. Personally, I was miffed at the introduction of Bohrok arms onto Toa sets in the first place, as I was about the implementation of Rahkshi legs on Toa in '05. I have a right to be biased, and I'm certainly not saying you're wrong. I simply feel he looks fine with the Rahkshi legs and arms (though I hate Rahkshi legs on Toa, as stated above).


I don't even recall every conversation we've had about 2008 going the same way, anyway. I was willing to accept that Lewa Nuva ought to have had silver chest armor, and agreed from the start that all of the Phantoka would be better with Mata feet (which still irks me, since they went through the trouble to make a new mold for them...). Nevertheless, I try to remain optimistic about the sets. I agree that the masks so far are terrible (Tahu's works as a Kanohi I guess, but definitely not for Tahu's Hau Nuva, unless better pics reveal that somehow it does). Basically the only reason our longer conversations tend to include so much of the same persistent optimism (on my part) and realistic traditionalism (on your part) is that the ones where we easily agree don't tend to last.


EDIT: Setsuna, in all honesty do you EVER expect any projectile weapon smaller than a blunt shooter? Between safety demands, structural stability, and the need to implement new and creative action features in each projectile weapon, I cannot picture a single one that would be as "realistic" as you believe is possible and right.'


Also, you must realize the same quantity of sets gets bought no matter where you get the parts from. The seller has to get the parts from somewhere. ;) If you want to even make the slightest difference, you're going to have to simply do without.

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Heh, nice title.


I agree with almost all of these, some of them I don't, some in between.


But overall, Krika just Owns everyone else IMO...


Ah yes, here's a gift! enjoy!



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