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08 Summer Sets

Grey Snow


My opinions.


Tahu: The best images, he's good as far as I can tell, the spinning blade like weapon, not as good as his normal sword by my standards.


Onua and Gali: Too hard to see to say much, so I'll leave it for now.


The Makuta: All good, the insect look makes them incredible, Krika is great, the green one (Gorast?) is great with the four arms, the yellow one not as great, but still good.




Taka: I hated the leaked images, but now he's decent. The white and black don't look great together though, some gold would be nice.


Vultraz: Either a Makuta, Shadow Toa, or Matoran (most likely shadow), his Midak shoots shadow energy as stated by Toywiz and Toyfair and he's an enemy to the Nuva. The name Vultraz would probably fit a Le villager better, so I'm thinking Shadow.


The "T" sets: Horrible. Just re-releasing the older sets from winter along with large overpriced vehicles. Release the vehicles for maybe 30-40 dollars, cut out the 10 for the rider and maybe they'd be worth it. Maybe, I doubt it.


So, Makuta: Great

Nuva: Hard to tell

Taka: Decent

Vultraz: Great

"T" Sets: Horrible



Many people have been saying that these are some of the worst sets, complaining about the canister sets. The Nuva don't look that great, but we have few images so far. I don't know why no one complains about the vehicles. Just the Nuva minus Kopaka and Antroz rereleased a few months later, few changes made to them and large overpriced and bulky vehicles.


I still have hope for Mazeka being an awesome set without a vehicle, if he/she/it has a vehicle and is overpriced (I think the set is $50 I heard, or $40, or something, I'm probably wrong.) not worth it. If it's a stand alone for that much, not worth it. If it's like Karzahni but built better (the fingers of Karzahni keep falling off, Karzhani's limbs aren't that great, etc.) I'd get it.


So my 08 Summer "rant" I guess is over, I'll do it again when more and better images, story, etc. is released.



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They're just re-released from earlier this year with large overpriced vehicles. You could just make your own vehicles like I am out of sets you already have. Am I the only one who hates the "T" sets?

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Pretty much. While I admit that all of the "T" sets aren't perfect (The green one), I do have to admit they have a quality build like the Rahi from 01. Nice, big sets with lots of awesome pieces. Sure, they sport a hefty price tag, but I could definantly see myself getting one of those instead of the god awful Mistkia Toa.


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